(A) frostmourne LF Guild

LF heroic or chill mythic raiding guild on alliance frostmourne OCE, 2 nights a week, pref 7:30 to 8:30 start time. I am an ex mythic raider and raid lead with 10 years raiding XP. I am returning to the game after a hiatus, because of this I am currently under geared but have no issues grinding a weekends worth of keys to get to 240ish ilvl. I play Warlock (all 3 specs) and Druid (all 4 specs). I currently only have enough time to keep 2 toons up to date.
If interested hit me up on bnet #willco1446

Hi Willcos, Just saw your post. Guild I’m an Officer in, Lagging IRL, who are 9/10H and 3/10M are currently looking for exceptional DPS with the priority of a Balance Druid. We’re a friendly casual guild who run M+&BG’s regularly. Our Raid Nights - Mon-Thurs 7:30-10:30pm ST. If you’re interested feel free to add me in-game akiemat#1739. Look forward to hearing from you.

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Heya mate,
I’m in frostmourne Au currently 10/10h 3/10m looking for dps for the guild HMU on bnet if you want more info

Bnet: Agrestiic#6935