[A] Frostmourne - Demo Warlock LF Mythic Prog

Hey there,
Currently at 269 iLvL, just under 2.8k IO right now
Recently got back into the game a couple weeks ago and am looking at getting into a mythic prog group

Currently at 8/11H pugging

Still pushing IO, still getting gear, still pugging
Want something more consistent though

My parses (%ilvl) are currently between 60 and 80 on average and still improving

Hey Worgglock,

	theMinistry (ally fmourne) are looking for more players to round out our team, currently 3/11M - we run mon / wed / thu 9-11:30 svt and need a few more players to push further into Sepulcher - pretty laid back group with plenty of banter add Trimshadow#1423 or EVA#2601 for a chat

Hey add me on disc Madreadious #8576

We’re 4/11M, progging on Pantheon