We have 1 Full Time Spot opening up for Sire Progression & 9.1. We are solid group of raiders that have forged this raid team together by raiding every week for the last 5 years. Preference is Night Fae Affliction Loc but will consider any talented,committed player. We killed SLG last week and started Sire this week and are already into the 2nd phase with a few pulls into P3. Raid days and times are Tues & Wed 5:45 Pacific or 8:45 EST is when we start forming up. First pull is at the top of the hour. Friday 6 Pm Pacific (9 pm EST to Midnite). We raid for 3 hours each night. We provide Cauldron, Feast, Runes, Oils, Pots, Repairs, and a solid raid environment. Discord only Horse#5014 or our Raid Leader Thoir #Zeack4162. We will consider any exceptional player as well. We are losing a good friend and top notch player (baby inc) so this is a full time spot for CE , reclear ,and 9.1. If you need help with the server transfer/faction change, I can help. If you have a strong raiding history but not as far us progression wise ,please feel free to reach out to me. Thank You, Horse GM of Braveheart US Silvermoon and Mok’Nathal (Drak’thul, Hydraxis, Borean Tundra, Shadowsong, Skywall, and Terenas are “connected” )
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Bumping it up