A fourth spec for Shaman

The best part of playing any class or spec in the game is feeling like you can identify with where your power comes from thematically.

For Paladins and Priests, they draw from the Light, Warlocks from the Void, Warriors from brute strength, and the list goes on.

Another one of these classes is Shaman, drawing from the elements.

Some of you know where I’m going with this already.

Shaman Tanks.

Shamans draw their power from the elements based on their spec

Water - Restoration
Air - Enhancement
Fire - Elemental
Earth - < Insert Tank Spec Here >

This is a topic that has been theorycrafted over and over again, and something a good number of the playerbase would love to see.


I’m still waiting for warlock tanks, after they teased us with Dark Apotheosis back in the day…!

I think adding new specs to existing classes would be a fun idea though!


Thematically I don’t know if many other new specs would make sense, but rather reworking existing specs.

Warlock tank is an example of this, although personally it’s not the direction I would go.


I feel you just added a bunch of filler that doesn’t really relate. I think suggesting 4th specializations is perfectly fine, but there needs to be merit and ideas. I don’t see how saying thematically Priest and Paladins draw their power from X, Warlocks from X, and then we do a full turn to “Shaman tanks cause earth.” If we’re going the thematic route, Shaman specializations already dip into other elements for their “power.” I’m sure we could come up with a “tank” spec for each class, but I do feel more focus should be on improving the current specializations and getting them to a healthy and enjoyable place rather than just adding more.

But you don’t give much more than that, feels like fanfic in a forum dedicated to providing actual feedback to improve the game for the areas each person play in. Maybe my perspective of feedback is intended to be tangible and not just wish list with bare ideas.


A lot of what warlock tanks would have been has been baked into Demon Hunters since then. But I’m sure there are other things we could get.

How about a paladin caster DPS spec, using the light to smite their foes? Warrior DPS spec based on the old gladiator stance! Chronomancer mages for healing, I’m sure the community has plenty of ideas too!


There are tons of ideas for the spec that I’ve heard from guild members alone. Credit where it’s due they’ve theorycrafted alot of the spec.

It revolves around big CDs like earth elemental and using a variation of earth shield to protect themselves from enemies.

Abilities manipulate the earth to deal damage and slow enemies, heck they can even throw some dirt in enemies faces to taunt them if you want :slight_smile:


From my PoV, as long as there are more tank (and healer) specs, that’s a net positive. More of those specs means more players playing the role.


The only argument against more players playing tank/healer (although they are definitely needed) is that 99% of raid encounters require 2 tanks. No more, no less. Availability is limited.


What about a 3rd spec for Demon hunter? Like…heal? Other spec tank?


If it fit thematically, sure.

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As brought up to me on the GD - this is an example of a theorycrafted idea for the Earthwarden Shaman tank spec! Thanks @Beaupeep for showing me this!