A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

awesome news. so excited for the info. :partying_face:
wall of no’s is falling i can feel it.

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Lol all these kids waiting for Santa can’t seem to read the fine print.

The survey they sent out was very specifically about Classic era. Like, specified explicitly.

They were asking about Classic era because right now, it’s dead as a doornail and they need to figure out what to do with it.

TBC has been out less than a month. It’s good to go.


I think you hit the nail on the head. Everyone is talking about Shadowlands causing an exodus of sorts because of the content or lack thereof but I think we are losing a lot of subs from people leaving Classic/TBCC

I hope the good people who want it, get it. But they might pop at first, they’ll be dead like the current vanilla classic server before we know it. I just feel no matter what you give the majority of the vanilla classic only players, they’d never be happy with it. Didn’t watch your vid, but if you’re a vanilla classic player, hope you get your server.

I wonder if the “fresh servers or no play” crowd will actually follow the meta sheeps and roll horde just to later complain for “fixes”.

If it’s a seasonal reset sheep can be sheep with no long term ramifications. That’s part of what the allure was to the pservers that did a classic+ servertype

makes sense reminds me of the pirate servers collecting money from selling items and when things are way out of control a reset happens

activision-blizzard is missing another bank by not making some sort of “crazy” seasonal servers with constant resets with the paid subscription.

I think that’s where this ship is sailing towards. Seasonal resets with various QoL changes and experiments for the lul heck the more I think about it the more they can use this as a sandbox to explore things to bring to retail and it’s a win/win.

Those questions makes it very clear they are reading posts in this thread.

My guess is that they are seeing Classic Forever servers dying, and the wish for Fresh Vanilla again that may progress into TBC and start from there. It seems they also have keen interest in adding changes such as barber or stones, which is harmless, honestly.

I do not personally agree with faster gold question
 That sounds like a recipe for disaster, and I personally enjoy earning things.

I am also thinking they are holding off on fresh TBC servers because they fear people would abandon them for the new ones. It is a bummer but at least those wanting Fresh Vanilla progression will get their wish.



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Or if you spent more time in the thread rather than jumping in late and pooing all over anything you disagree with, you’d know I’m being stupidly optimistic champ, and it’s mostly sarcasm that I expect them.

Less so entitlement and more so the realization that they don’t give a damn. You’ll get there one day.

Thanks for the free bump. <3

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yeah probably wont add the bcc till a month-3 months into WotLKc
I am fine with this just being vanilla atm keeps the wall of no toxic players away for the most part. then when bcc starts with seasonal fresh they will be in next.
after that i guess they quit lol its a win win or will start fresh after all.



ah man. they cleaned my char stuff. deleted my mage halfpĂźnt a while back cant writ with him now lol
ah well this is my main on classic anyways .





Fresh New server!


Still holding out hope that they’ll open a fresh server or two.


people who remained on wow classic and never transferred their characyers to TBC, whats the classic servers like? i want to play the game and ws thinking to just stay on classic, but is it dead? or would you say its more enjoyable? because im assuming there are barely any bots

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From what I have heard, population is extremely low, but they did release a survey on new Classic Vanilla Phase 1 servers with the possibility of more QoL changes like summoning stones working.


it seems dead but tbc just released so people playing “new”. but I been login into my 60 since they merged servers it seems better and looks like more and more are going back to classic.

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