A fix to Community Elitism. Getting into keys in S2 is Impossible

They could tank a +15 without a soulbind at all let alone an imperfect one.

We don’t really run 15s that often. And we’re not super phenomenal players, so having all the help we can get in our 17s and 18s is our best bet.

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And 3 out of 4 times someone will bail if you don’t go fast enough and then more will follow.

Won’t be an issue if you clearly state your intentions. If you’re unsure of your ability to time a key at a specific level, simply put “going for completion” in the title or something along these lines.

This is true. My buddies forced me to tank one for them. First key as tank for idk how long and I didnt even have a soulbind because I’ve swapped convenants recently.
That being said tanking Tyranical is much easier for people not used to tanking than Fortified. And this week’s Fort + Bolstering combo can be very hard on the tanks.

I used to agree with a statement like this but SL is so broken that this just isn’t the case anymore.

The real problem here is the way the mechanics of the dungeons interact with the various classes/specs and recent decisions Blizzard has made that result in LFG groups being hard to form for everyone.

Replying to the person above, when I list my own key my pool of applicants is very small generally. I can spend an hour or more forming a group. Often I cannot even form the group. For whatever reason people don’t like applying to my keys unless they are a 15 of something very desirable like DoS. I’ve waited around in other people’s keys often in a similar fashion only for the group to never actually be formed.

And here’s why: the dungeon mechanics/affixes are too restrictive based on class. To begin, almost all groups worth their salt need at least 2 spots to go to a bres and a hero class (and the tank being bres doesn’t count). On top of that you’re going to want a soothe for higher-end content (which can be a druid).

Now, the OP as a ret paladin brings none of that, and as a melee class they are basically the least-desirable spec in the game for M+. I love playing ret, btw, and this is entirely Blizzard’s fault.

IMO all blizzard has to do is bring back 25% haste drums and make the engineering bres cast time instant (or much faster) and keys would massively open up making the game much more fun to everybody

I’m having a hard time pugging aswell… I think people dont want any melee on theirs pugs anymore.

Why didn’t they massively open up in BFA?

We had scrolls and 25% drums and pugs still wanted the meta of:

Prot warrior tank
Resto Druid healer
Fire mage/outlaw rogue/BM hunter/Havoc DH dps

And in both cases people can and did bring every other spec and be fine, but that is outside the realm of pugging harder content.

Pug culture gonna meta.

While I acknowledge that there was a meta in BFA in my personal experience (in the 20+ generally) there was not nearly the consideration for meta that there is today. The biggest thing was make sure to have a bres. But this is just my personal experience.

The beauty of my experience in BFA was that as time went on the network of people who ran keys together kept getting bigger and bigger. Almost immediately that network splintered and fell apart in shadowlands due to comp choices for keys being so much more important

Blizzard ruined the “bring the player not the class” philosophy this xpac and that ruined the pick up and play feel that BFA had

I would if that’s all they had to bring.

Like 90% of the guardian tanks got their form when they could glitch the fight out and make the main thing that made it hard not even work. So having that form wouldn’t even come close to showing skill given the circumstances if you could even call a place that was easily overcome by high ilvl a skill check.

Roll hunter.

This is great advice to people who would like to play a hunter but horrible advice for the people who enjoy playing ret paladin