A fix to Community Elitism. Getting into keys in S2 is Impossible

I guess some people are just bad at math :joy:

5 available spots for an M+ group, well, 4 when factoring out the party leader who already has a spot.

And then upwards of 40 DPS (with varying iLvLs, io scores, etc) might sign up for a chance at getting one of those 4 available spots in the group…

So mathematically, putting aside “meta” preferences and “elitism”, MOST applicants are going to be declined regardless :man_shrugging:

40 applicants > 4 available group spots


What are the required skills, gear and experience level? I don’t know what it is, but apparently it’s common knowledge due to the dissemination of such information from an as yet to be named select few.

Additionally with tens of thousands of like-minded individuals, it would be ideal for them to work together. It’s much better to find ways in which players are similar, vs ways they’re not - even if done under the guise of some claimed Boogeymen “select few.”


Groups decline you almost instantly based on gear/IO/spec, they aren’t going to take into account your other achievements. Get your own key and list and it, find a guild/group that does keys, or just wait a few weeks until the most elite players have what they want and have moved on to exclusively higher keys.

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The higher the better. I’m not sure what the minimum is, as it depends in how stuck up the group is that is running the key. It’s likely to be way more than average.

Shame on you for not taking their names and running them through their keys later. You owe it to them. They pay for their subscriptions, too!


I pugged my KSM yet again, solo, with an underperforming class.
Level your own key, get your rating up etc.
Also, know every dungeon and how to use your class to the absolute max.

Follow with the rest and just don’t do mythics…

I mean run tank or heals or just your key… I don’t know what to tell you.

I think the higher numbers are used to give folks a sense of risk v reward. I agree that relegating a human player to a series of numbers doesn’t capture the potential they can bring. But I also understand that not being invited to a key doesn’t mean anything else other than that: the player wasn’t invited. Getting wrapped around the axle and looking for a reason why they weren’t invited instead of identifying ways they can run keys seems counterproductive. (I empathize with the seeming futility of it, though).

I’m a huge advocate of friending folks I’ve run with in pugs that are like minded, fun to play with, and have similar game goals. That’s how my wife and I have out together a solid list of amazing dps and players over the years that we can sync up with for keys.

I honestly think if there were more threads asking for like-minded folks to run keys with there would be better yields on keys.

“Looking for folks who want to run some keys at X time on Y days. I play ___ and really want some low stress, fun play. Let me know if you’re interested!”

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So the solution is to give lots of free bling to the best players, and completely lock out of new content anyone on the learning curve?

That’s pretty special.

Your current io score is not that impressive. How could I invite you Spires of Ascencion +13 if your highest timed completion of Spires of Ascencion is +2.


People need to hit the ground running with each patch.

I remember having a similar discussion with somebody a few months ago who was complaining that nobody would join their raiding guild, and they were blaming X, Y, and Z. And I told them, no, the problem is that you waited until 3 months into the raid tier to kill Sire Denathrius on Heroic. People are going to join guilds that kill bosses faster than that, and there are MANY of them.

With a new season, you need to be running keys during the first couple weeks to keep up with everyone else.

You can’t sit around lollygagging while everyone else who will be competing for the same spots as you a month later are out there getting stuff done. Because people are going to want to play with the players who were getting stuff done.


Why don’t they group with each other then?

Anyone can make a group.

And they’ll run into the same problem where they have 40 dps apply for 2 spots while waiting on a tank.

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Nope, people should just form and make groups with others of similar experience.

This DOES NOT WORK in a timely manor at all in Season 2. It goes one of two ways, and I’m left to guess which it is.

  1. DPS key, IO is just medium, still getting going in season 2 but KSM in season 1. People see this and skip it, don’t apply. DPS is easy, maybe a healer, a tank? No way.
  2. You get a full group immediately and each player is under geared, so you have a choice, do you just not invite/ disband and give up? or just run a probably failed key.

There is a major problem. I don’t know what the fix is.

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I would love to pick the dungeon I want to run over being forced to do one I hate like Plaguefall.

In the meantime, either run your own group, get with guildies or deal with the lottery.

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DPS at large struggling to pug is a fundamental issue with the game and not one that can be easily solved , i got into details about it in another thread.

I was a DPS main for a long, long time, i switched midway last patch for a long list of reasons (so many specs being downright clunky to play due to the hyper reliance on tiny burst windows that make or break your damage being the primary one) so i know the problems with them and how terrible pugging is as one.

I just don’t think waiting for Blizzard to fix it for you is a viable course of action, as crappy as this sounds. Joining a group of friend to run keys with is absolutely the best way to go, plenty of my DPS friends never have to pug alone, otherwise they just wouldn’t run keys.

Next best thing is just running your key. Its not pretty but its the situation we’re in until at least the next xpack :/.

Again, for the people who didn’t hear it the first 6000 times. If you’re a dps spec and not running your own key, you’re doing it very very wrong.

In your case, given that you have all 3 specs, you’re doing it even more wronger.

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I’m talking about being a DPS with your own key though. The default solution is always “run your own key” which is really like saying “git gud”, it has almost the same meaning now, which is…nothing.

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It’s really not. It really, really isn’t. You can literally list your key, and people will apply. It’s that simple. It’s really, really, really that simple.


I get its not the most pleasant thing to hear but sometimes life is a one way street.