Sepulcher of the First Ones - 3/11M; 10/11H
Raid Schedule:
Raids take place on Tuesday & Wednesday from 8:45pm to 11:45pm EST.
Monday is an optional alt/heroic clear 8:45pm to 11:45pm EST.
Raider Expectations:
- Positive attitude is mandatory in this guild. We want mature, goal-oriented, and chill raiders who enjoy raiding and want to be here to have a good time with us.
- Logs showing you have past and/or current experience in end-game mythic raiding.
- We raid 6 hours a week. Each minute of raid time is valuable. We need you to be punctual and prepared.
- We also expect you to know the boss strategies. Fights are a lot less frustrating when everyone is prepared and knows what to do ahead of time. Speaking up and asking a question when you don’t understand a mechanic or strategy is encouraged.
- Attendance must be 90% or higher.
Raid Recruitment Priorities:
Range: Warlock (Will consider all other applicants)
Melee: DH; Rogue; WW; Enhance; Warrior (Will consider all other applicants)
Healer: Holy/Disc Priest; Mistweaver (Will consider all other applicants)
We are also looking for any other exceptional players of any role for spots on the roster so any outstanding applicants will be taken into consideration!
All those interested please fill out an application or contact one of the officers to chat:
About Us:
First Point Aries is a mature raiding guild lead by players who have been playing since Vanilla WoW. We pride ourselves on having a fun, mature atmosphere while making progress. We retooled for 9.1 and finished 9/10M and now with the making of a solid core are aiming for CE for 9.2.
Our raid environment is focused when it needs to be during progression since we only raid 2 days a week; however, we do understand that this is a game at the end of the day and try not to take ourselves too seriously.
Contact Us:
For any additional questions, please hit us up on or Discord.
Kungfukau [Recruitment Officer] - Lilchris#1132 (BNET)
Broxamus [Healing Officer] - Brax#11201 (BNET)
Kaschy [Raid Leader] - kasch#2914 (Discord)