A FFXIV Player's view of the WoW Player's Mentality

It is a well known fact that FFXIV community is much better than wow. Anyone said other wise take that with a grain of salt.

Not to say toxic players not in FFXIV community, because many wow players started playing it, and they take that same toxic stuff over to it.

However, what makes FFXIV so much better is, if you be toxic. We can report and we KNOW they get punished for it.


Yep, well said on all accounts. FF XIV isn’t the best community. They just keep up appearances, sometimes against their will. Sort of like the Kyrians, actually, in that respect.


I think my biggest observation about FFXIV’s community is that it highly mirrors the suffering that is an LGBTQ discord server.


I wouldn’t put Classic nor FF on a pedestal, and yeah, but that’s the people’s fault, Blizzard forcing you to communicate isn’t going to create a ‘community’. There are a lot of middle aged players, grumpy, and that just want to do things quick, on their own, with an enormous selfish attitude it seems.

Kinda of a shame but it being these many years, it is what it is at this point.

I have never been yelled at more in a dungeon than in FF14/ People yelling at me for not bumrushing to the end and mass AoEing the entire dungeon down.

People think toxicity is tied to games but its not. Its tied to being anonymous. Its everywhere


In all my time playing this game I’ve only ever once witnessed another player’s behaviour be so poor that they needed to be reported, and that was back in vanilla.

Could the community be better, of course. Is it as bad as people like to say? Not from my experience.


Based on what my wife has told me (she loves FF14, I hate it) I think it’s probably because you can get banned for being honest with someone about their poor performance.

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Pretty much. God forbid someone be held accountable for their actions/poor play. I still stand by what I said about there being more friendly people though, even if it is against their will at times.


That is the best part about it. Not your place to tell others how well they are doing or not. You can in a linkshell and stuff, but in a pug? Nah.

And that is why the community is better.


And that is also why the community is worse in some respects. It’s a double edged sword. True teamwork requires honesty and communication. People just shouldn’t be jerks about it.


It depends on what you think constructive criticism is

“Hey, do you mind if we talk about your spec and gearing? Maybe I could help you push some more dps” is cool and if they refuse that’s on them

“U noob, kill urself, gut gud scrub” is not.


It’s fine the way it is. If FF14 was so good you would be over there – so we must be doing something right. :wink:


Do you mind clarifying that? Like, I used to be part of one and it was 50% the leader and her GFs doing what they wanted to and breaking their own rules and 50% complaining about the rest of the members. Is that what you mean?

This, so much this. It’s not about lighting people up as much as it is the willingness to help them improve.

I mean they did say they come from XIV. As someone who plays both it’s not always possible to raid consistently in both if you actually have a life outside of gaming.


Yes, yes, and more yes. Also anyone who questions the leader is a huge -phobe and should be excommunicated probably.


But that does not matter. If someone else is having fun, even if they are bad. That matters more than getting “better” to make things go quicker.

It is just not other players place in a pug settings to do it. Now in a guild sure.

Yep - and thanks for replying, I appreciate it!

Translation: Moon Guard

FFXIV only seems less toxic on the surface because of aggressive moderation and the almost complete inability to communicate with players who aren’t on your friend list. The individual players are often much more toxic than WoW players in my experience, likely because they have so few opportunities to express frustration.


When you are playing solo or with friends you are right, it does not matter. Everything changes when you group up with 3/7/23 other random people. Then it is not about one person, it is about the collective whole.