A few questions

I was feeling nostalgic about pet battles so I resubbed for a month. Sadly, it’s hard to get PvP battles on my battlegroup, so I probably won’t stick around. When I do get battles it’s mostly Sandstorm, so kinda unfun. I did have a streak of four battles against classic MPD and Graves team, that brought back memories.

I have been battling trainers to level my pets and characters. I have a few questions about that.

I’m using MoP trainers still, mostly out of habit. I’m doing Mo’ruk, Nishi, Aki, Thundering, Yon, Burning, Zushi, then hearthing back to Mo’ruk.

I feel like there’s probably a more efficient trainer route. I hope so, given that this was the same thing I was doing ten years ago. Seems like there should be a better way.

If you were going to spend about 20 minutes a day hitting up easy trainers that were close to one another, what would you do? Which map and route?

Another question is about auto-loading teams to fight trainers. Rematch has a “target” function, but it’s not working for me. I remember there was another addon specifically for this, but I can’t find it. Does the Rematch function work and I am doing something wrong? What is the other addon called?


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Rematch has a “target” function, but it’s not working for me.

Last year Rematch had a major update that completely overhauled some of the 100+ options to the addon. The auto load on target/mouseover and related options are now under Interact Options. They are all opt-in and default behavior is to do nothing when interacting with a target with a saved team. To auto load on mouseover of a target with a saved team: Interact Options → On Mouseover → Auto Load.


Welcome back, even if it is only for a visit (I am mostly back for the MoP remix/eventual prepatch event myself) Rest assured that you are not the only one with queue troubles. From my understanding, not only are pb’s in battlegroups, but they are further segregated by mmr.

As for leveling efficiency, I would say that things haven’t really improved too much with the swap over to the world quest model. I will say one thing though that may greatly reduce the travel time between trainers. If you have purchased the DF expansion, then quickly grabbing dragonriding will drastically improve the efficiency of your lvl 60-70 characters (and your pets).

When it comes to leveling pets specifically, I personally prefer to wait for a trainer world quest to appear in Dalaran and just keep battling them until I get tired of it. It makes for slower character xp, but much faster pet xp.

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Thanks! I’m happy to see that you’re still around helping the community.

Hi, Disco! Great to see you again. :smiley:

Yeah, me too.

And if not Dalaran, then one of the other repeatable Legion tamers, especially Snail Fight! in Highmountain.

From Xu-Fu’s front page, I see that Xorvasc, and Varenne (for characters that have got that far in the Suramar campaign) are up right now. Not the fastest battles, but faster than scooting all round Pandaria.

The Legion Tamers change every day, and some days none are available, but they require no travelling, and are infinitely repeatable while their WQ is up.

I’m trying to avoid the DF content as much as possible (a whole xpac about dragons bored me from the get-go, one of the many reasons I unsubbed), but it sounds like dragonriding will be a QoL upgrade.

Good idea about the Dalaran quest, but I like to get player exp from pet battles. Makes me feel efficient, plus what I said about avoiding DF content.

Pandaria is my favorite for pet trainers that level both alts and pets. My circuit does vary a bit depending on which carry character I’m using, their faction and current level. Here’s example with the level 38 Alliance toon being worked now, Alexxx.

With help of a friendly mage got Alex’s hearth set to The Golden Lantern in the Vale. Well worth it if you’re working same alt on same circuit regularly. There’s the portal back to Stormwind upstairs if needed.

At 35 can use the Pandaria portal in SW’s Mage Tower. Short flight then to one of the FP’s near Hyuna. I then hearth to Golden Lantern; seems like Hyuna is a long way to most any other trainer. Without that hearth available I often skip her.

Fly from Golden Lantern to Thundering Pandaren. After that, I usually fly to White Tiger Temple to fight Athnea. Not a trainer so no pet XP, only for alt, but small chance on Squibbles dropping. FP there to Kota Basecamp and Courageous Yon. Fly to Burning Pandaren and then Seeker Zusshi. On to Shadow-pan Garrison FP. Note that up till now it’s safe to use a level 1 carry pet with all these trainers except Yon; I use at least a level 8 with him.

Fly from Garrison FP to Serpent’s Spine and work Ahi. Annoying indirect flight, it’s like cheap flight from New York to Miami and going through Denver but unless you’re in DF and have a fast dragon, fastest way to get there.

Serpent’s Spine to Klaxxi’vess and Wastewalker Shu. Then fly down to Flowing Pandaren. I usually use at least a level 15 carry pet with these.

Long slow flight from Flowing to Mo’ruk. Not bad if you have a fast dragon mount but Alex hearths back to Golden Lantern and flies down to Farmer Nisshi and on to Mo’ruk. Otherwise it’s Mo’ruk then Nisshi. I try to use at least a level 18 carry with Mo’ruk, with Nisshi a level 8 handles that.

You notice I skipped Whispering Pandaren entirely. I hate that one.

Admittedly routes vary depending on who’s doing them. Hope this helps though.

That’s not a battlegroup thing, that’s just how it is. For various reasons (your unfun due to the same teams, as an example), there just aren’t enough people interested.

Hey! Nice to see some familiar faces are still around.

Thanks Chrummie, that was what I was looking for. It seems the MoP trainers are still good.

I wiped the floor with someone using the Emerald ProtoWhelp/Nexus Whelp/Chrominius comp with my Zandalari raptors. That was fun! The first two raptors were traded for the whelps, but not before Chrominius got debuffed with Infected, black claw, and then trampled! I was popping off wth 300+ damage per trample after the first round! Heheh.

As a guy with almost all the pets all rare and level 25 I can tell you the most efficient way to level pets is to just buy stones, stones that grant instant level 25, its easier to farm the currency to buy the stones than to actually level the pets. The polished pet charm is awarded for world pet quests in many zones including dragonflight, shadowlands, BFA. They also come from shadowlands and legion mission table missions. If you have alts you can really farm them quickly assuming you have several alts with mission table access.

If farming polished pet charms is not easy for you then levelling the pets should be crammed during pet weeks where the bonus to pet experience makes it waaaay faster, before I moved to just using charms I would wait for pet week and find a repeatable trainer that gives max xp (google it) and use an addon that lets you push one button for pet battles and has a script so it auto battles. I would level up hundreds of pets while watching tv or a movie since I didnt often have to look at my screen as I was just pushing one button over and over.

Xufu pet website has all the info you need and scripts for most pet battles that let you auto battle.

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As well as the mission tables in BFA.

If you’d like to check the Mission Reports (Tables) from the previous xpacs to see if a Pet Charm mission is available without travelling there you can use my addon Cheugy Mission Reports. It’s available on Curse. Really simple and nothing to config. Adds tabs for the previous xpacs to your Dragon Isles Summary window.


I can attest too that now with farming Pet Charms to buy leveling stones and that…on good day I’ll run 5 or 6 toons and get over 300+ charms just from pet battles that award them…I am currently sitting on 47,000+ right now…had as high as 66,000 before…I use to run 14 toons back in the day but my health isn’t what it use to be and I get in too much pain to play…

A guy on here named Jere did a guide on doing all the Pandaria and Draenor tamers in one hour for Alliance. Basically, you would work your way down one side of Pandaria, then hearth to garrison and do one side of Draenor, then hearth back to Pandaria, etc. If your character doesn’t have a cooldown on the hearthstone, you can just stay in one place if you prefer.

I did a video of my Horde route, and the teams I use on the YouTubes:
Horde Route

Dragon riding makes it a lot faster on the longer flights, since they are faster than the flight masters and regular mounts. I think it took me about a week to get my dragon all maxed out on my hunter. Maybe less.

I still prefer this method to using stones or scripts. It’s not boring and I actually enjoy it.

Last week I was jonesing for some Discodoggy, so I binged a bunch of your videos. I wish there were more pet battle videos, but I totally understand. It’s usually not that fun, and we don’t always have time for it, especially with the long wait times. Though, the last time I was on, I ran into a fun battler with more interesting teams that were hard to beat, but not just Sandstorm Spam.

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So: two topics.

After two expansions or so, I use my charms now to level and make rare my pets. I had a full hexweave bag full of them and then some extra. Happily the polished stack higher now and take less slots.

And pet battling. I do them if I am fishing or going from place to regular place, like the dragon races for example; then the long wait time isn’t a burden but, instead, a nice surpise when it pops up. I’d say of all the spells, Sandstorm is the worse and it is depressing and feels like a cookbook team that I’m facing.

I think you can get the title Trainer for 1000 wins and I’m at 750 and wonder if I’ll ever get there, the time between battles is too slow now.

That’s so cool, I had no idea people still watched them.

Yeah, Dragon riding makes the Pandaria trainers so much easier. I checked out some parts of your video, some of my strats are really out of date.

And thanks everyone for all the tips, good stuff.