[A] Female player LF guild - Plays 15+ hrs a day



I am looking for a guild to join on my lvl 88 Shadow Priest and lvl 42 Arcane Mage. I am wanting something that has an established guild bank, discord server, decent mix between both men and women players, and plenty of ACTIVE/DAILY members. I seem to notice I am running into longer and longer dungeon queue waits so I am hoping to be able to make some new friends and get guild groups together for dungeons. I am a daily player and a big fan of dungeons.

I play around 20ish hours a day so, I am online usually from morning until the middle of the night.

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I play almost 20 hours a day. So it is not just during the day…

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Gonna throw a bump here so someone sees this. I’m pretty much looking for the same thing and I think any player with a guild goal like mine deserves the support.


Thank you.

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Posting a bump for this. I play alot and am looking for active people to play with.


It’s good to see other people looking around as well :slight_smile:


Thank you!

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No problem :smiley:


Yep! I have been looking for awhile now with no luck.

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Same. And when I did find one it was either cliques or everyone was only active for raid day and barely said anything otherwise. This has been happening since last year for me :stuck_out_tongue:


Hello Lorinska!

Found a Green Quest (Est. March 2018) a horde PVE guild with a cross-realm community is located on Zul’jin. We’re a small but growing fun, friendly, social family. We have a big focus on fun in and out of Azeroth.

We host community events such as fun contests, leveling groups, crazy mythics/dungeons/raids and more!

If you would like more information, have any interest or have any questions please reach out to me on here, battle.net or discord.

Real ID: Kiua#1912
Discord: Kiuayoukai#2395

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Hey! I see you are alliance and if you are open to a faction change I believe we have exactly what you’re looking for!

<Casually Toxic> Thrall-Horde 8/8H

ABOUT US: We are a semi-hardcore raiding/social guild on Thrall with a love for dark humor, sarcasm, gambling, and an overall good time. We value downing bosses on heroic and then progressing into mythic, all while having fun with close friends. When we’re not raiding we’re usually running mythic keys, hanging in discord, or playing a different game (Borderlands 3, Overwatch, LoL, Classic WoW, etc.). We also have a variety of social events; such as, Cards Against Humanity, contests, raffles, mog runs, movie nights, achievement runs, and more!

RAID TIMES: Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30pm-11:30pm est


bnet: NobleWarBear#1291

discord: Mochi#0765

Good morning Lorinska,

I fully support you in your quest for the right guild. I am rebuilding my guild/group with good people who have a love of the game and want good friends. We have suffered from the classic exodus but recently we have gotten an influx of nice players.

I have a cross server group where you can meet us all without paying a dime and you can still join any other guild you want on your server. Come hangout and go along on dungeon runs, leveling friends and even our fun runs.

The guild, The Killer Bunnies Alliance side on Duskwood/Bloodhoof, helps run the Community Group so there are several people available in that group. We also have a discord where you can chat us up all day long.

I will leave my contact info, I hope we can talk later. If this doesn’t line up with what you want at least this will bump your post.
Bnet: Anaranae#1516
Discord: Anaranae#3307


Hi there Lorinska!

First off, thank you for taking the time to read my post.

:dragon_face:My name is Kanielese and i am the GM of Dracarys Productions on Bleeding-Hollow(HORDE).

Back in March/April this year, me and my officers decided to server xfer our main toons to another guild we had been raiding with due to personal life things going on. After a few months of raiding with them and achieving AOTC in BOD and COS with them (also progressed through Normal and some Heroic EP with them) I decided to come back to my guild to try and rebuild up the community i was trying to make in the first place.

What the guild is about:
~Fun, Friendly, Engaging community in helping its members
~We areClassic came out and by than so have most guild achieved their AOTC/started Mythic raiding. AOTC focused (may decide to dip our feet into mythic runs later)
~We enjoy running Mythic keys and pushing them, so more core members would be better
~ We have our casual nights where we run xmog/mount/achievement stuff
~Alt runs
~We do some PVP (Bg’s, WPVP, etc)

For my core members:
~I expect everyone to understand basic mechanics and do research (We will help people learn them more however)
~Be patient and respectful of other members
~Help throughout the week farm mats (Herbs, Gems, Food items,etc.)
~Be able to take criticism as well as dish it out

For Casual Members:
~Be engaging with the guild (Talking in GC, etc.)
~Help farm mats for GB
~Do not be afraid to ask for help
~Help others out

Currently for core Raid team:
TANKS (Would like BM Monk, Guardian druid or Prot Pally/ Open to other ideas though)-Need solid tanks (DPS off spec though)
Healers(NEED ALL)

We currently raid Tuesday/Thursday 8:30-11:30pm EST (with 1 break at 10) But times/Days can be negotiated/will be reconsidered to match core members schedules

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. You may contact me on bnet/discord (I am always available)


Take a look at Zeroes to Heroes on Stormrage - pretty big community and I’ve heard good things. Might be a good fit for non-raiding folks as well as raiders.

Appreciate it but I will be sticking with Alliance. Does sound like an amazing guild though!

But you are level 44 on your mage so are you lying to us ?

Lying to you about what?

They’re just cracking a joke because you were level 42 when you made the post.

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I am currently farming cloth all day and most the night on my NOW 95 Priest. So no, I am not lying. Why in the world would I lie about a game? That seems childish. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I haven’t been on my mage because I am tailoring items for my husband’s mage and mine.