We are a loose knit band of Elven partisans in World of Warcraft that are Fel-bent on exacting revenge on the Horde, especially Sylvanas Windrunner, the Warchief of the Horde, for the destruction of their home Teldrassil, the World Tree. No longer considering themselves Kaldorei (‘children of the stars’) or Rendorei ('children of the void'), but instead think of themselves a new inclusive kin of the lost and downtrodden and prefer to be acknowledged as Theradorei, or “children of revenge”. The notable characteristic of the Theradorei is their acceptance of the Fel and Shadow as empowering weapons against their enemies and the inclusion of Demon Hunters, the shadow magics of the Void elves, and all of their tactics.
Illidan Stormrage was RIGHT!
The Illidari were our only hope against the Legion, but now that the demons are pushed back a new enemy has taken their place in the desire to destroy all of Azeroth, the Horde! Upsetting the balance in Kalimdor by destroying Teldrassil showed us the truth of his words, “you are not prepared!”, for we truly were not. Never again will we allow ourselves the smug rejection of the weapons required to fight such a foe or defend our homeland. Even the Druids of the Grove see the imbalance Sylvanas' destruction has caused and are flocking to our cause. Saving Azeroth from a future of global undeath is the new clarion call of all who value life.
The Horde have lost their honor, and those who stand with the Banshee Queen deserve no mercy, just as they showed none to our fallen at Teldrassil. No longer will we rest upon our laurels and self-aggrandizing platitudes nestled on lone shores in branches high above the fray. Today our battle is on the ground, today is about our survival.
To all this we swear; Never Again…
((Does the Fel burn within you? Do you have what it takes? Msg any member in-game or visit our website @ https://felsworn.zuludown.com))
I approve this message.
I was going to say that this might make for a great potential RP-PvP opportunity as the guild I run"Gnomish Illidari Forces" seeks dismantle those Illidari that have followed Illidan. However it seems that this group is alliance side.
Interesting. I would say you should embrace the wisdom Lord Illidan showed us in battling those who would seek to destroy Azeroth. We should be allies it would seem.
I was secretly hoping for a Blood Elf. Best of luck!
Gang of fel knife ears, eh? I know the boss has been lookin' fer some new blood to spice up our award winning crystal fel mix, reckon we'll have to pay ya visit next supply run.
If you support the Banshee Queen and her agenda to destroy all life on Azeroth, you are supporting your own demise. She is without honor as evidenced by Saurfang's own testimony of her actions. If you follow Saurfang's example you shall be spared, but if you follow her you are welcome to her same fate.
We shall be your executioners in life and once she raises you to undeath we shall deliver the final blow.
Disavow her and live in peace, or support her and die a traitor to the Orc's noble legacy.
The choice is yours.
We shall be your executioners in life and once she raises you to undeath we shall deliver the final blow.
Disavow her and live in peace, or support her and die a traitor to the Orc's noble legacy.
The choice is yours.