Due to Level Scaling, the quest ‘A Feast of Souls’ in the Shadowmourne questline cannot be completed. As a level 64 Paladin, even taking off all of my gear and swapping to Holy Specialization did not reduce my damage enough to not one-hit kill the enemies (which need to be ‘tagged’ with an auto attack first, Consecration didn’t work for me)
Soft Foam Sword cannot be used inside Raid Instances, so that doesn’t work either. Maybe the tag system could be changed to enable any damage to automatically tag enemies?
Edit: There are apparently some mobs that can withstand more than one hit, and I had cleared ICC for the week (and wasn’t reading my chat) so it IS possible to complete Feast of Souls. I’m doing Tarecgosa’s Rest as well though, and found a… similar situation, albeit under different conditions.
I’d like to request the developers consider removing the Raid Restriction on Soft Foam Sword so future expansions may not have this issue as character scaling increases over time.
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This reminds me of my efforts in Draenor to try and trap wolves for my garrison, only to have even my fist punch kill the silly things before the trap could even snap shut on them.
Trying to collect these in order to be able to harvest their hides for sumptuous fur, which is used for making the Hexweave cloth used in so many recipes.
The Soft Foam Sword does work for trapping the wolves, though. I did it about 75,000 times. Or so it seemed.
It takes a while, but the trick is to largely just smack things with stuns, interrupts, and whatnots that tag but do not apply damage if I recall correctly.
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My DK was able to do this easily by just using Chains of Ice on each thing before killing it.
Can you explain the exact thing to do because I can’t see to figure it out. I hit them with all the stuns/ interrupts and then hit them and it isn’t giving me credit.
Using Rebuke as a pally lvl 70 worked
Not the best solution but…would party sync solve this?
This works. 15-second CD, so it took 12½ minutes.
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I can confirm that using an interrupt and then auto attack is about the only way you can complete this part of the quest on a higher level toon.
Same experience. Warrior can use demoralizing shout, long cooldown, but AE so it goes pretty quickly.
Open world tag and capture quests vary wildly, some you can use the Soft Foam Sword toy (can be finicky when the mob can interrupt), others you need to use the Whole-Body Shrinka toy (VERY long cool down).
Inside raids, though, that’s a hard ask.
Not a solution for many classes, but equipping a very low level wand works a treat.
Also not an option for all, you can try some of the low level engineering stuff that does next to no damage.
An old school starting zone grey weapon drop (item level 1) can sometimes do the trick, but that worked during SL, can’t speak for it now that rez sickness isn’t a thing.
Use Red Rider Air Rifle toy which I bought from the toy vendor in Orgrimmar or Stormcity.
I’ve ran into similar problems for achievements as well.
For some achievements you need to get an enemy to a certain percentage of their health before they cast an ability and, as you’ve stated, removing all of your gear doesn’t always work.
Maybe they should just make an ability that allows you to only deal 1% health for lower level enemies!?
I hope this helps someone. Today is 3/18/2024. The only thing that I found that worked is hitting them with execution sentence and then attacking them before the hammer hit them. 30 second cool down, so it took a little bit, but it worked and I was able to turn it in.
Obviously I was on my pally when I just did it. I did it on my DK a few months ago and had to use chains of ice first and then kill them. lol
I didn’t realize it was going to put my post as a DK. I haven’t logged onto here in quite some time.
Divine toll works very well, can get 5 a cast
Hey there, as a DK, you can use Chains of Ice, it doesn’t work on all the trash (i.e. Valkyries) but if you are trying to get Shadowmourne faster (by not killing all the bosses this week), you can go to the entrance of the Blood Prince Council and kill some of the first group foes, except the Darkfallen Noble, let her keep attacking you and some Vampiric Fiends will keep spawning, use Chains of Ice on the Vampiric Fiends and kill them with auto-attack with Shadow’s Edge equipped until you get your 50 Souls (it is a bit slow but it works)
Unholy DK. Use Death Coil. Farming the mobs of Valithria. Works like a charm.