A fascinating quote from Anasterian about Orcs

“The Orcs are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We elves who have failed, or the humans, on the road to ruin in their turn? And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Orc wouldn’t even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude.” — Anasterian Sunstrider, high king of quel’thalas.


this is from warhammer


Close but warcraft.

That is Literally dumb because the orcs blew up their own planet in a blood haze. Humans and elves haven’t done that.

Also, their whole culture is about stress and angst.

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That was the fault of the Draenei, though, for luring the Burning Legion there.

The Night Elves tried.


Not close and also no.

That quote is attributed to: Culture vs. Kultur: Thoughts on Orkish Society by Uthuan the perverse, a controversial Eldar philosopher. In Warhammer.

Nice try, though.


He wasn’t praising orcs there.

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That was the fault of the Draenei, though, for luring the Burning Legion there.

Yes, but they didn’t have to drink the Blood of Mannoroth. They could have resisted and well perished, but it was a choice :rofl:


you get 2 choices

1: die

2: become conquerers.


Orcs are what happens when you max out strength and stamina, but put the fewest points into intellect lol.

“Brute force” might as well be their war cry.

There are smart orcs, like Thrall and Saurfang and Eitrigg, but mostly because they talked to other races instead of bash first, questions later.

And Thrall was human-raised.


That victim blaming is insane.

Aye, hence why after spending time with the belves and the nightborne, you finally see magi orcs. Finally, they opened a book and worked out their brain muscles.

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i’ve never heard of him. does he stream

Legion is so sneaky, they forgot to add the small print at the bottom of “become conquerers” that says “Must offer everything in return. All decisions and covenants with the Burning Legion are final. Any Blood of Mannoroth consumer complaints must be directed to Archimonde and Kil’Jaeden who will most assuredly roast you alive. Batteries not included but lock rocks will be available at your nearest command tent.”

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Lol we’re just gonna ignore Ner’zhul and Gul’dan?

It’s not like the Draenei were the ones talking to the Legion on Draenor.


IIRC, the canonical reason at the time was that they picked it up from the forsaken.

They still live in Mud huts. That is all.


No Gul’dan destroyed the planet. The average Orc MeatChad was just bustin and jumpin through portals

Literally committing genocide but okay.