"A Farewell to Arms" Jani BFA Mount Feedback - Remove "Tell Me A Tale" Achievement

Hi, I’ve seen the recent BFA Meta achievement for the Jani mount and I love the idea of the mount, but there is one achievement that is personally scaring me and I feel like does not belong in the meta.

The Island Expedition achievement “Tell Me A Tale” (https:/ /www.wowhead.com/achievement=13127/tell-me-a-tale) requires you to collect all random quest items from island drops. This achievement is bound to extreme RNG conditions (as most items requires a certain combo of island/enemy time that rotate weekly).

An example of this is the item Voru’sarak’s Carapace - This item has a chance to drop when you kill the rare of the same name, which can only spawn in Skittering Hollow when Nerubians are the main enemy type - And even then, he only has a chance to drop. So for you to have a chance to get Voru’sarak’s carapace, you need RNG to bless you with the follow:

  • Skittering Hollow has to be one of the Islands of the week
  • Nerubians must be the enemy type for the week (enemy type also rotates!)
  • You must actually get a queue into Skittering Hollow
  • And then hope Voru’sarak is up for that Island.
  • And even then, there is only a chance the quest item will drop. You will likely need to do Skittering Hollow and kill Voru’sarak multiple times.

The example above is interesting because it is one of the items that we know for sure there source of, but if you look into that achievement - There are items from it (such as the Notched Coin), that 6 years later, conditions for the item to drop are still mostly based off of guesswork.

I’ve personally done hundreds of islands both on and off since BFA, have almost every single island collectible, and this is an achievement I still don’t have (and the item I’m missing is one of the ones where sources are not concrete).

Players looking to immerse themselves into BFA will feel very hard-pressed to want this achievement once they learn more about it. Scarizard has already tweeted (https:/ /x.com/ScarizardPlays/status/1852173754501337546) about removing PvP achievements from the Island Expedition meta, so I feel like this should be taken into consideration as well.

If removing the achievement is not in the books, I feel like a concrete source of quest items such as making them purchasable with Seafarer’s Doubloons is a good compromise, as it will still require people to work for the achievement.

Thank you for your time!


Expedition leader as an achievement felt like they implemented with the thinking that people would probably get it naturally, assuming they did island expeditions consistently for the lifetime of BFA… who actually did that though? I haven’t been able to log onto the PTR yet but personally I’d hope they at least reduce the requirement to half of the quests and remove the PVP achievements from the meta as well.

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I think the achievement could still work if it required less than all tales. A drop chance increase wouldn’t hurt either. The carapace should really just be guaranteed when he spawns.

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I’d be fine if they just made the quest items purchasable with doubloons. Would still require some Island grinding (that could be potentially avoided with lucky drops) but would give you a visible end goal to work towards on your own time (especially since you can solo queue for islands).

The least we need to interact with the nebulous drop rates of an outdated system, the better imo.


The least they could do is increase the drop chances of the quest items to 100%


A lot of the achievements for that meta are just whacky, broken, insane time sinks or just a nightmare to try to complete.

At least they had the smarts to remove the PVP island expedition achievements, well one of them so one would assume they would remove the other one too.

Better, Stronger Faster is a PITA when you get sharded/phased for no reason and get bounced to a shard with no vials to drink causing you to lose your buffs.

Lots of players have issues wirh Trove Tracker and the arcane trunks not working properly, the vehicle buttons don’t work.

Available in 8 colours requires Reclaimation Rig Hard Mode where you have to hit all the elementals with super collider hammer which basically requires you try do it at some ungodly hour in the morning lest another player wander up and one shot one of the elementals before you can hit it with your extra action button.

And whoever made It’s not a Tumor! is a sadist.


Half of the achievements I have left are dumb WQ challenge achievements where you get one chance, then have to wait several days, if not weeks, for another shot. and half of the remaining ones after that are horrible rng grindfests like “Tell Me A Tale” and “Combatting the Corruption.” And good luck to anyone farming Rockweed Shambler once Nazjatar gets flooded by people trying to do the meta-achievement.


Remove Strike Fast - nevermind spending alot of time getting the warfront to flip to your side, now you have to complete with every other play in there to capture each location - personally.

Change it to be nearby when captured and exponentially increase the progress of the turn in quests to get the warfronts accessible. Or better yet - add solo/group queues like the Island Expeditions.

I believe Strike Fast was already removed on the last PTR update. It is not a part of the current meta Maximum Effort on the PTR right now.

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Solo mythics takes 3 mins to finish. Hypothetically you can get 3-4 items each week, so you habe to spend 12-15 mins each week for 3-4 weeks. it is not bad tbh.
At least they are removing “get all” and is gonna be limited to 10 items if I recall correctly.
There are much much more grindy ones, mechagon is looking at you.

Yea, the guide I was referencing was not updated, so you had to check specific sub-achievements. MUCH more reasonable now, especially around warfronts.

Its frustrating the achievements don’t correctly copy on the PTR.

I think I’m done, just not sure on the alliance achievements.