[A] <Fantasy Inc> Adding 3-5 to raid core - Tue/Thu at 8:30pm


AQ is hitting the testing server, let’s get pumped up!

Are you actively looking for a new raiding guild? Good news, you found us and an open raid spot. Let’s make it happen.

You haven’t raided Classic yet? Jump in now, cause we’re certainly sick of seeing rotting loot in MC.

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday and Thursday nights from 8:30-11:00pm EST. We’re currently clearing MC and BWL on Tuesdays and running a short night on Thursday for Ony/ZG.

What are we looking for?
We have a raid team of 35-38, so it’s time for us to add to our family friendly raiding core as we prepare for AQ. Our recruitment goal is to have a full 40man raid every night with very limited benching.

We’re looking to add 3-5 folks to our raid core, only the following classes are being considered at the moment:

  • 1 Mage
  • 1 Priest
  • 1 Holy Paladin
  • 1 Hunter
  • 1-2 Fury Warriors

Our Loot System
Loot is distributed based on a Fantasy Draft Loot system (similar to a Fantasy Football draft for loot priority on each piece of loot). This system allows for the guild to gear up evenly, while still allowing each player to decide what gear is best for their play style and needs.

Draft lists are openly discussed between classmates openly before the draft and coaching is available. Ultimately you will rank items according to your preferences and make your own choices.

A limited set of items may be distributed based on guild need or require consistent attendance for a number of weeks before being available. Ex. Bindings for Thunderfury.

Off hours
When we’re not raiding, you’ll often find us running dungeons, enjoying alts, or jumping into extra ZG lockouts.

We routinely run PUG ZG with a soft reserve system. It’s an excellent chance to get to know us and see if there is a good fit! Reach out for the Discord info.

Contact Information
Reach out to one of our officers, we’ll figure out how to get you in the door.

In game / Discord:
Beautiphil / BeautiPhil2190#3771
Abearica / DJ Roomba#1394
Lahrn / Larn#3076
Sedanis / Sedanis#7308