A-Faerlina resto Druid lf guild

Haven’t played classic in a big but just came back and want to get into some BWL groups and AQ40 raids. Currently 6/8T1 and 1/8T2. 400+ healing unbuffed. If anybody has an opening, let me know. Thanks.

Hey Ominous raids Fri-Sat 9-12 EST. We’re definitely looking for a few more consistent druids. We’re on Netherwind.

Yo, think you’d be a good fit for us. Shoot me a message on discord @ djpernicus#8175 and we can chat. Here is some information about us:

[Chombini] [A-Heartseeker-PvP East]

  • ONE tight knit competitive raid team recruiting for our core

  • ~1hr AQ40 clears with 9/9 week 1, ~35 minute BWL and MCs, and weekly ONY/ZG/AQ20s

  • Leadership through Naxx with plans to continue into BC when launched

  • Looking for people who can make raid consistently, perform at a high level and overall enjoy classic without just raid logging

  • Schedule: Thursday/Sunday @ 8 PM server time(EST)

  • Loot: loot council with representatives from each class

  • Overal Info: This is a guild of many former professional gamers from various other games who came together to crush content in an enjoyable fashion. Our goal is to clear fast and efficiently, improving each week but also having fun doing so. If you are looking for a semi-hardcore guild that knows how to have fun then we are the right place for you.

|Alliance| Pagle (PvE) | Weekdays-M/T 8:00pm-11:00pm

|Progression/Semi Hardcore Guild|

Who we are?

We are a Progression/Semi Hardcore raiding guild, that promotes a fun raiding atmosphere. We currently one raiding team during the week. Casuals are welcome to join us in raiding. We have a friendly and welcoming leadership, that is open to discussion. Our members are encouraged to bring a positive attitude, and most of all have fun! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
We have MC/BWL on farm, And are 9/9 in AQ40 as well!
What we expect/What does semi hardcore mean anyway?

We encourage consistent raid attendance, world buffs, consumables, and being knowledgeable of the content we plan to run. We expect everyone to be respectful of each other, we can take a joke but we will not tolerate any hate, and political discussion.

Current Needs:

The team is currently in need of: 2 healers

1 Holy priest

1 Holy pally

Resto druids are also welcome!

Other players are encouraged to join! Exceptional players are always welcome!
You can contact me in game, Harelda on the Pagle realm, Battle net Mrhasu#1229, or on discord mrhasu#1402.
We await your arrival…

Hey Swade, give me guild description a read below and shoot me a message if you don’t mind xfering.

-= MisFits =-
Alliance - Herod - East Coast
9/9 AQ, 8/8 BWL

Who we are : MisFits, representing all over the western hemisphere. We are a guild of casual yet passionate raiders and PvPers, with roots tracing all the way back to Vanilla launch. Over 20 original members have retured from 2004, picking up new friends along the way. Members are competitive and performance driven but sane enough to know that real life and family > WoW. We have one raid team that assigns items via Loot Council.

What we’re looking for : Dedicated healers and DPS to fill our raid roster for Naxxramus and beyond (TBC anyone?!). Current needs are holy priest, holy paladins, and fury warriors. Other classes and specs are also encouraged to inquire if the fit is right for both parties. Applicants should know their raiding spec inside & out. While being fully enchanted with maximum consumables is preferred, it is not an absolute requirement. Raiders must have relevant add-ons (DBM, threat meters, etc) and use Discord, which hosts our raid sign-up system.

When we raid : Monday and Thursday, 9PM to 11:30PM and Sunday, 8PM to 11PM.

Where to apply : Message me on Discord (arsenic#2461) or any guild officer in game to inquire raid needs and set up a two-way interview.

Why Join us : We’re a bunch of laid back gamers who know a thing or two about Classic WoW. Our interests span far and wide and all individuals are accepted for who they are, regardless of all the things that make us different. Check us out and see if you have what it takes to do things the MisFits way!



if you wanted to do a fresh reroll on a server we are doing one tonight on Anathema <3