Dungeon Leveling
There are some great resources out there that show a good composition dungeon leveling group can consistently gain 20K+ XP/hr.
Best Comps
According to word on the street, the top tier comps are something like:
Melee Cleave:
- Tank: Warrior
- Healer: Priest
- DPS: Warrior, Warrior, Warrior
Spell Cleave:
- Tank: Warrior
- Healer: Priest
- DPS: Mage, Mage, Mage
With variation in the comps offering trade-offs (advantanges & disadvantages). Like, a Ret Pally brings buffs and off heals, etc. And of course, dungeon leveling is more advantages over solo leveling for classes that solo level slower than classes that solo level more quickly, like hunters, locks, druids.
Dungeon Group
I’m rolling an Alliance Warrior on Faerlina, and am in the guild <Pure Luck> (we are recruiting, btw). I’ll be playing roughly from 8am to 10pm (with some breaks), and would like to schedule a Melee Cleave group to follow Harukai’s guide. You do not have to be in our guild, but guildies obviously have priority for joining. I am planning on tanking, but am OK going DPS, if someone would prefer tanking and is a good fit for our group.
The actual times do not have to be 14 hours/day, as we will likely want some time to eat, bathe, visit the AH, etc. I’d like to get a sense of interest and times that work, before committing to a schedule. However, the schedule will be decided within the next couple of days.
Current Needs
- Tank: Low (pref Prot Warrior or Feral)
- DPS: High (pref Warrior, Rogue, Ret Pal, consider hunter/lock)
- Healer: Mid (Pref Priest)
NOTE: Although some group compositions will perform better than others, having a full group is preferable to not, and some concessions can/will be mage to accommodate (within reason).
- Morning: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- Afternoon: 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
- Evening: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
- Other: Other preferred time
Let me know if you have a preferred time, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Other, or if any of the times work.