[A] Experienced Tank LF Guild for SL


Firstly, we fit your requirements. We are OCE based (SG,HK, some Aus) but start raiding slightly later at 1130 ST for 3 hours, Wed/Fri/Sun.

I saw this post and thought that maybe you would give us some consideration:

We are currently full on tanks however, we can shuffle them around to fit you into our roster. We are also interested in your experience and would like you to be an ‘advisor’ of sorts for our preparations in mythic Castle N, if you would decide to join us. Our guild post is linked below, it explains everything we are and our plans for mythic prog in SL. Our recruitment plan is going smoothly with 1-2 healers remaining. Please do give us a read, and hopefully consider us! If you need more information don’t hesitate to contact and I can provide you our full plan for SL progression.

Best regards,
Bnet: BranBiscuits#1686
Discord: BrandyBiscuits#6452
