[A] Excessive Force/Vismodicus Oceanic LFM

Right now you’re rolling on gear, In Vanilla you’re required to TALK about who gets the gear.

Once again, Over 50% of the guild are IRL friends/Long time friends. Talking about who gets what when the odds are against you is extremely unfair.

Right now we have 3 members from your guild trying to dismiss what I said… I feel like I’v touched on a sore spot.


1 post


2 posts

You guys have obviously been asked to talk to me on the forums. So I guess I’ll link something I previously said. Maybe then you guys will understand why I find this so spooky.

Once again, shrug, not defending the practice and you are welcome to your own opinion. People are only posting as that is not what they experienced because your post basically requested some engagement as such - their input is as valid as yours. You still haven’t mentioned your answer to the question I posed so I’ll be waiting for that - genuinely interested in a suggestion on that front. I keep saying, your view is cynical but that’s fine.

Edit: we have low post counts as we don’t use the forums - not the best way to judge how long someone has been active in WoW. If that is your measurement for ‘legitimacy’. Our initial post on the forums is mainly a fishing expedition to see if any old players of our guild were still playing but we have lost contact with however there is nothing wrong with seeing if there are new players who are interested and who share our view.

Hah, stop talking to this guy J - there is literally no point.

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DKP that depreciates per week. Only legendary items are loot council.

No loot system is 100% guaranteed to make everyone happy.

Loot council should only be used for the guilds where EVERYONE knows each other.

‘‘50%+ of the guild are long time friends so we’re going to use loot council’’
^^^This reeks of filth^^^

Silver lining.

We wouldn’t be having this heated conversation in current wow, because nothing matters.

Gear is worthless.
Your reputation is worthless.

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Appreciate the reply. Note that this is not a hardcore guild nor aiming at hardcore progression. It’s about fun and remiscing as well as downing bosses. DKP that depreciates per week is definitely in the realm of a much more hardcore guild after all someone needs to maintain such a system - especially since we aren’t even sure WHAT addons will work come Vanilla. Loot council is probably not the best way to describe it - the council part only ever comes up when people can’t decide between themselves as an arbiter.

Yeah, OP’s initial post did mention you guys are just trying to have fun an enjoy the game.

But a loot council (players decide) will always end in drama when 50% of your members know each other.

And DKP is NOT used for hardcore guilds, it’s always loot council. they’ll distribute loot based on DPS increase/HPS increase. But most of the time Tanks are geared before anyone else.

Loot Council = Hardcore top 0.1%
DKP = Average raiders trying to clear the raid an make loot unbiased as possible.
Need b4 Greed = Pugs an super casual players.

It’s clear we are arguing semantics and based on your other thread, you have an axe to grind. The loot council or rather loot dictatorship in super hardcore guilds will generally go to tanks first which is correct. We do still need to mitigate against the “I got what I want so I’m leaving now” crowd without being encumbered by systems that need manual updates by someone which based on your comment will probably need independent review and oversight to make people happy.

It seems first mention of “LOOT COUNCIL” is by yourself. Lanare certainly didn’t mention one in his post that I can see (feel free to correct me). I have been the GM of the guild since mid Legion and we don’t have a loot council per se as explained - the “council” aspect only comes up if the respective group cannot decide amongst themselves of which if the council can’t decide, I have the final say (I don’t believe I’ve ever HAD to do that either).

Overall, I still thank you for your input as something to keep in mind of for recruits. The counter point is that we would not have grown our core friends group if we were biased with loot over the expacs as this is generally a systemic behaviour and can immediately be picked up on which results in people leaving as soon as it’s known.


It seems your main concerns are

Well a DKP addon is almost guaranteed to be in classic wow, this would fix all your issues and make loot distribution fair.

^^As for this^^ I believe it’s the best way to describe how your guild is going to distribute gear, due to the fact that it’s majority friends/IRL Friends. An who obtains gear is decided by the players that want it.

A new member without friends is going to have a very hard time gearing up in your guild.

That’s a faulty syllogism then because as soon as I explained how it actually goes down with loot, it doesn’t fall under a loot council where onhigh chooses who it will go to without discussion but rather more accurately it’s discuss/need/greed on the onset. Only in the case of failure is there the ‘council’ to help decide with the GM being the final say. To say otherwise is bad faith which is understandable as once again, you do have an axe to grind.

A DKP system being ‘almost’ guaranteed is not a guarantee and such systems have not been announced. Vanilla is a fork of Legion which likely has parts changed since BFA so current addons will likely not work and addon makers will probably need to maintain two different code bases to adequately serve both versions (if they even want to do that). Old Vanilla addons that work with private servers will most likely not work either.

This guild doesn’t consider anyone an “outsider” they are all members, newcomers usually had a trial period of 1-2 weeks. Your worried about loot? something our core members do not care about.
Greed and trust is not an issue with core members which is why most are still friends for over 14 years.
Our officers were all under-geared compared to other guilds due to passing on loot for the new members. Why? because we distributed loot evenly once a member has proven themselves.
This is not a guild where the GM has the best in-game loot and officers do not take loot over people who NEED. It seems this guild is not for you if your so focused on personal loot [Izzl].

What kind of time frame are you guys looking to start raiding mc and ony?

If a more laid back approach is taken to raiding, is that the case with levelling up too?

Ps, ur guild sounds great.

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Cheers man, much love.

There are a few guys in the guild that will level up relatively quickly, but the majority will take 1-2 months I reckon.

Once we hit about 35 60s, I’d be happy to step into mc/ony. I wouldn’t want to go in with less, purely for the fact that I don’t want to see people missing out.

Too many of us are married/kids/sports/work and won’t get the opportunity to go ham with the levelling. Though, I’m sure the lads will be online lots still.

But, you have given us great idea Juddix - thanks man. When we start, we can vote on a start date for mc/ony so everyone knows in advance how long they have to level.

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So I started in vanilla with this toon, did a couple of ony runs, a zg or three aq20 once or twice and a world boss here or there before TBC hit, as I was still figuring out the game.

In TBC I was a high end raider, champ of the naruu/hand of a’dal titles and server second/alliance first sunwell clear.

I’d love to see vanilla with a much clearer head than I had back then due to noob vision. You guys sounds great but I was dead set on rolling undead lock for classic :laughing: may have to reconsider now…

I’ve added the disc server :grinning: let me know. Better have some smooth talking to pull me away from a rotting boi :laughing:

Plenty of bants to be had before classic is out :smiley:

I’ve just updated and edited the original post;

We can take approx 10 more people. Looking for super keen/awesome peeps.

While we wait for the release, come play other games with us or simply get involved with the text or voice chat on discord and get to know the lads.

Where’s my rogue buddies Daloria and Mathsdebate? That’s the real question.

/wave @ bene!!

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Well this is bringing back memories!