MC trash farm for douse quest and rep tonight!
MC raids start tonight! Join us in the fun!
We still have raid spots open for team #2.
Still have raid spots to fill! Come check us out
Bump for cookies
Zomg, cookies!
Spots available!
Next raid in two days!
You know you wanna!
Tah tah today junior!
Last couple spots to fill for two teams and remaining spots to fill on the two upcoming!
Always searching for the player, not the class!
Couple spots left to have 40 / 40 split for Mystic and Skeksi and continuing to build Guardians and Kingfisher teams! Guardians is slated to start in 2 weeks!
Still raid spots available. All social players welcome!
Guardians & Kingfisher are building quickly, get your spots now!
Get ready, get set, get in for BWL
Doo da, doo da… rag is gonna die again… doo da… doo da
Full MC clear in one night on 2 of our raids teams tonight! Come join the fun and fatz l00t!
Great job last night folks! Wish I was there with ya
Guardians starts next week, get in while the gettin is good! Kingfisher to start in a couple!