About Equitas
Equitas is a long time Malygos (now Malygos/Icecrown) raiding guild that started in vanilla WoW. The guild took an extended break, but members continued to hang out in Discord and various other games. Close to Legion’s official launch, Equitas has returned with many of its core raiders from the past as well as new faces and has since crushed mythic content with a more casual raid schedule.
We’re a relaxed bunch of people and are online more than for just raids. You’ll always find someone around to help you get your +10 done for the week, enjoy (or try to enjoy) some PvP, even throw together a pug raid for alts.
- Maintain a fair, relaxed, drama free raid environment and have fun!
- Maintain a consistent raid schedule and clear Mythic content at a steady pace.
Server: Malygos/Icecrown - US
Contact: Apply at =https://goo.gl/forms/QE835yQbnIH11Scr1
Otherwise contact (gongerino#1593, Backabacka#1314) with any questions!
Raid Schedule
Tuesday: 7:30pm to 11:00pm CST
Wednesday: 7:30pm to 11:00pm CST
With only a two day raid schedule, we expect raiders to be able to consistently attend both raid nights. Progression raids are every Tuesday and Wednesday night. Thursday is an optional night we usually use to clear heroic, at the same times.
We are looking for a MW or Disc, strongly preferred having a dps off spec, as well as any strong competent ranged dps. Tank options are also welcome.
Our recruitment will always be open for very skilled and experienced raiders of all roles and classes. Please contact any of the officers above for more information.