[A] < Endgame > | 8/8 BWL | Sat/Sun Raid Team | Semi-Casual

< Endgame > 8/8 BWL looking for Hunter and Tank-Warrior to fill our raid roster.

Raid Times: We raid Saturdays (6:30pm invites, pull @7pm server), and if we don’t finish everything then we continue the raid on Sunday at the same time. We also have /roll MC-raids on Monday for low-geared players or alts who want better gear so they can raid BWL.

Loot Rules: EPGP MS>OS. EPGP is a system built around correcting the flaws of DKP while holding up its merits. Any new raider/trial member will receive on joining a 25 GP score.

Needs: Raids on Saturday & (if continuing) Sunday

  • 1x Warrior (Tank)
  • 1x Hunter

Wants: Raids on Monday for Alts and Low-Geared Players to gear up for BWL

  • 1x Druid
  • 1x Rogue
  • 1x Warlock
  • We are also looking for lower-level characters to join and play with us.

Guild Culture: We’re a semi-casual community that loves having fun. Purple and shiny pixels are cool, but we owe our first week of release 8/8 BWL success to “min/max’ing fun" and helping each other out. We expect a willingness to learn, good attendance, and a positive attitude.

For more info you can contact anyone of the following:

  • Hito= In-game: Hito / Hitoe / OldMan, or Discord: bpetro#0324
  • “B”= In-game: Bacardy, or Discord: “B”#2459
  • In game Sinba, Vcious, Inside, Awax, or Aenendark

Hit us up! Most of us don’t bite.


A great time it always is in this guild! :slight_smile:

Would you guys happen to be looking for holy pallys I also have two rl friends that need raid spots one is a prot warrior other plays a mage all 3 of us are vets of the game and have a lot of raid experience