About us:
Our Goals:
< Elune is an Astronaut > is an Alliance guild on Dalaran-US that plans on pushing Heroic content for AOTC, M+, PVP, and other in-game activities. We are currently 10/10 Heroic Castle Nathria, and are looking for more to fill out our progression roster. We also run Mythic + and occasionally PVP.
Who we need:
We are looking for social, mature, players of all classes, specs, and roles. However, we are specifically looking for the following classes/specs:
- Demon hunter DPS
- DK DPs
- Resto Shaman
- Holy Paladin
- Holy Priest
- MW Monk
- Mage
We are also specifically looking for any non-monk tank and any non-druid healer!
Raid times are Tuesday/Wednesday evenings 830pm-11pm EST
What we expect from you:
Please be:
- Social
- Friendly
- Mature
- Drama-free
- Non-toxic
Families are welcome, but please note that we are adults (25-35+) and we use adult language and topics.
What you can expect from us:
- Noob-friendly
- Drama-free
- Non-Toxic
New and returning players are welcome!
We are not looking to hyper min-max what players play (unless we end up with like 8 of the same class or progression issues) so we want you to be able to play whatever class/spec/covenant/soulbind that you want!
If you are interested, please, feel free to contact me:
Battletag: Spreckles#1635
Discord: Spreckles#0252
Updating that we are now 9/10 Heroic Castle Nathria!
We are still looking for more ranged dps for Heroic CN progression! We could REALLY use a hunter!
We’ve been steadily growing and are reaching the point where we could use another healer! Hpaly, MW Monk or HPriest would be greatly appreciated! Still looking for any and all ranged dps + rogue dps!
Back to looking for DPS! A ret paladin or MM hunter would be nice!
Updated that we are now 10/10 Heroic CN (have been for a couple of weeks, so apologies).
We are also lok for a few more dps and a healer. All are welcome but the following are preferred:
Demon hunter DPS
Holy Priest
Resto Shaman
MW Monk
Still on the look out for another healer (Resto shaman, Holy Priest, or MW Monk preferred!) and any and all dps!
Looking for basically everything but tanks for 9.1! Could REALLY use any non-druid healers!
Adding mage to the list of classes that we are specifically looking for; any spec!
Updating post to reflect that our raid times are now Tuesday-Wednesday 8-11pm EST.
Looking for any and all dps plus one more healer! DH dps, Hunter, DK dps, and Holy Paladin preferred but anyone is welcome!
Thanks for the invite, looking forward to starting the new raid!
We are now 10/10 N SoD and are looking for more dps to fill out our heroic progression roster! We are looking specifically for any type of priest, but prefer shadow as well as any type of hunter. As usual, any and all types of dps are welcome!
I am AOTC focused and play BM which I know isn’t the hottest spec but I have been raiding forever! I will give MM a go but will accept any help I can get there! lol I love to run M+s and I don’t do drama, cliques or elitist crap. It’s a game, right? It’s not that deep! lol
Hey, thanks for the reply! Hit me up and we can talk!
Updated that we are currently looking for any non-monk tank, and any non-druid healer!