Elite [A]
Elite is looking to recruit for one of their three raid teams - [Hardcore AQ Progression Aim]
Recruiting : Holy Priests, Resto Druids and Holy Paladins
Raid Times - P4 Phase:
- Thursdays 7:00 - 10:00 pm (server time) --> BWL + MC
Raid Times - P5 Progression Phase:
- Wednesdays 7:00 - 10:00 pm (server time) --> AQ40
- Thursdays 7:00 - 10:00 pm (server time) --> AQ40 (continuation)
- Mondays 7:00 - 10:00 pm (server time) --> BWL + MC
Loot System: DKP fixed price with raise option on highly demanded items
Perks :
50-man Roster - Paid DKP bench rotation for healthy game-life balance - 1 hour BWL clears - Amazing community with 3 different raid teams - constant feedback and raid improvements
Contact Info:
For more info whisper Bluesteel , Meguinlia , Selenia or Heinzbeanz in game for a chat