Our doors are open to all players regardless of what brings them to the game- from social members to dedicated raiders (and everything in between). Effectus raiders enjoy pushing themselves to the best of their abilities (and the work that goes along with it) while never losing sight of the reason we are here: to have fun.
8/9 AQ, 8/8 BWL (1h9m), 10/10 MC (1h1m)
Raid Times:
Tuesday / Thursday 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm Eastern
Loot Distribution:
Loot Council
Druid: ----
Hunter: Open
Mage: Open
Paladin: ----
Priest: ----
Rogue: Open
Warlock: ----
Warrior: ----
For more information, drop by our Discord!
https:// discord.gg/6P6zjX4