[A] Early Saturday morning Raiding!

My buddy and I are in our 30s with all kinds of responsibilities and can not commit to multiple raiding nights during the week like most guilds. I was thinking about forming a guild to where we raided once a week early Saturday morning. If this post gets much interest than I will form the guild.

I could get behind this if it was at least 2 days 1 day just inst really enough to push content raid wise a 1 day meet up is good for like M+ pushing but raiding 1 day for maybe 2 hours isnt going to really go anywhere otherwise I would love to join had another morning team try the same thing and it just doesnt seem to pan out if that model changes please update I am also like you in my 30s an busy its why I cant raid at night anymore.

I’d be interested in a Saturday and/or Sunday morning focused guild in general, but it looks like the idea isn’t getting too much traction

my Retribution Paladin as well as I’m sure my Resto Shaman friend would be interested

Helo, i would to enjoy the guild. Whats is the raid time ?

I’m also interested in joining your guild