Below is a writing prompt, you are meant to take what is here, and create a bit of a story describing how your character would react to seeing or experiencing these things. Be descriptive! Have Fun!
Only reveal the spoilers of the Results you got. Those dictate YOUR story.
A Drust Witch’s Coin 
You find a written letter, left on the Rooks Pursuit mission table:
I have an object that needs examined for it’s true purpose. If you are interested you can find it within the grey weathered chest below this table.
It is a single coin, Drust in origin. We were able to procure this item from a witch while in Kul Tiras, she claims it can show you what you truly desire, or what you fear the most…
I have not had the heart to touch it…
- Barrtram
Investigating the Coin:
If you attempt to investigate this coin, just looking at it or touching it would yield no answers, (If you decide to flip it, see below.)
If your character is a history buff, or from Drustvar, they would know this is a pretty commonly found currency in the area, but older.
IF you use magical means to examine the coin,
ROLL a D20 
**1-5: **
Nothing happens, but you are now incredibly weak and tired.
A faint hint of Shadow Magic pulses from the coin, then fades. You feel weakened and tired.
A blurry image of a large bearded man appears to you, with large wooden antlers made of withered limbs. He laughs, then fades. You feel a bit weak afterwards.
Gorak Tul appears to you, and laughs menacingly, he reaches out a hand… trying to pull your soul in to the coin… to feed off your life force. You are able to resist. You get the feeling that a part of his soul is bound to this coin, and trying to release itself… If your character does not know who Gorak Tul is, they would just see a large bearded man, with antlers made of tree limbs, unknown to them.
Flipping the Coin:
If you flip the coin, flip a coin IRL
If you get heads:
You see that which your character desires most, what they love. The image is vivid, and feels real to them, joy rushes over them just before the vision fades.
If you get tails:
You see what your character fears the most. It becomes true to them, and as they feel the fear and dread grip over them, the vision fades.
If you try to flip the coin a second time, nothing happens.
Rooks Pursuit now has a Discord where more Writing and RP prompts like this one will be posted for players to use.
We also have created an In Game Community with the intention of making RP easier to find and gather in game. Cross-Faction!