Hey everyone!! I am the raid lead for <Drunken Fisherman> and looking for more for our heroic progression group!
Current Progression:
8/8 N | 6/8 H | 1/8 M
Current Raid Times:
H - Wed/Sat 9-11pm server (CST)
N - Sun 6-8pm server (CST)
M - Sun 9-11pm server (CST)
About Our Progression Team:
Still accommodating and relaxed to fit within a guild that doesn’t take itself too seriously, our heroic progression group also maintains a higher standard for its participants, doing what it takes to engage in progressive content.
Current Needs:
- Experienced, Multi-faceted players interested in engaging in heroic (and mythic) raid content.
- Capable progression raiders capable of making raid time and putting in the associated work to be the best at their class/spec as they can be.
- We mostly need Ranged DPS, but are willing to take other classes and roles in order to complete our group with consistent players.
[Also recruiting newer players or those with minimal raid experience and casual raiders for our normal raid group]
Message me here, in discord, or in game if you’re looking for more information or interested in joining!
Btag: Tui#11868
Discord: Xin#6335