Hello! We are and we are actively recruiting for our core team. Our first lockout is planned for Jan 17th! We raid late starting at 12am EST and running until 3am EST Friday and Saturday. Our loot rules are 2SR>MS>OS
We currently have room for all classes and roles. We also have active members currently grinding for pre-raid BIS if you would like to join us for dungeon runs! We are not hardcore and are very laid back, looking to have fun while completing all content into TBC
PST Felmarly, Hidethaboiz, Vethadella, or any of our members in game for an invite!
Just switched from the Nightslayer to Dreamscythe. I currently have a level 20 mage and a level 18 Warlock (Main). Your guild sound like exactly what I’m looking for. Are you guys accepting lower level players? I expect to have my lock at 60 before the 17th.
Hi, new to WOW and classic WOW. I come from SWTOR and FFXIV, where I did parse savage/ultimate and hard mode/nightmare raids. I have a 46 warlock which should be 60 in the next couple weeks. I do unfortunately work every Saturday but I am off every Sun-Tues and every Fri. I alternate Wednesday and Thursdays. Don’t know if the raid days are negotiable? I am PST so 9-12 is perfect time for me.
Hey! Looking gor a guild. I can make your raid times - they are early morning for me which is what I was looking for.
Currently level 55 rogue. 300 Engineering.
First time playing wow classic. Picked the game up around Christmas - loving it. I played ffxi for many years back in the day.
Leveling a couple of alt toons on separate accounts. Open to new classes if needed.
Looking for a group to run endgame content with dungeons / raids. Happy to run any content to help others and gear up myself.
Have really just been solo leveling and questing. Let me know if your still recruiting and wanting new members