9/9 HM + Alg killing 25m guild (clearing in 1 night) recruiting for core raid positions! Raid times: W/Th 10:30pm-1:30am ST (7:30-10:30pm PST). Recruiting high performing DPS, 1 Healer, and 1 Tank with a DPS OS.
PST or DM me in disc: Jaylock24#8077
3 DPS positions available, High priority on the following classes:
*Demo Warlock
*Affliction Warlock
*Elemental Shaman
*Rogue (combat or assassin)
*Feral Druid
1 Healer Position Available, High priority on the following classes:
*Holy Priest
*Resto Shaman
1 Tank Position Available, High priority on the following classes:
*Prot Warrior (with a DPS OS)
*Blood DK (with a DPS OS)
Although the above classes and specs are higher priority for us, we will still accept any high performing class and spec.
We are a transfer guild from Skyfury, and was one of the top Alliance guilds on the server before we left. We are not the sweatiest of guilds, but we like to get all bosses and content down in a reasonable amount of time every week. We shoot to have everything on farm (including hard modes and heroic raids (TOC and ICC) for every raid tier in 1 night.
Our request to anyone interested in joining the guild is to be able to abide by 1 “rule” / “mantra”: Be Prepared. Meaning, have all your gear properly gemmed and enchanted, bring flasks, pots, food to raid every week, know your class and always be trying to improve (whether it is your DPSing or your Healing / Tanking ability), and know the boss fight mechanics. We come to raid focused to get stuff done in a speedy manner.
Again, if you are interested, please DM me in discord: Jaylock24#8077 or reply to this thread with your interest and a way for me to contact you. Thank you!