A Drake's Big Basket of Eggs

Seriously Blizz? It’s only visible when in flight so few will ever see it? Why? Farming 200 chocolates never felt so disappointing… great idea, poor execution.


200 is a lot for a toy :frowning:


Yes, yes it is. Especially for a toy no one will see.


Oh my, that IS disappointing. Hopefully it’s a bug? -fingers crossed-

Does it at least last a long time, even if you dismount and remount, and have a short cooldown?


15 minute duration, during the holiday event it has a 3 minute cooldown, otherwise it’s one hour.

Honestly, it’s a hilarious concept, they just bungled the execution.


They need to fix this then. I haven’t farmed for it yet. I might just in case it does get fixed.


I’m assuming its because the basket would clip the ground when not flying so they just made it vanish. And that’s perfectly fine as long as they also offered a “hover” function for our drakes.

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You gotta wait until NEXT year to get the full benefit of the basket though.
That’s when they’ll release dragonriding into the old world content, and the only way you’ll be able to interact with Brightly Colored Eggs is from the back of your dragon whilst having the Big Basket of Eggs toy active, and then you get dismounted once the Brightly Colored Egg is collected.

Nah, they’ll introduce the “Hover” ability (something every flying mount has been able to do since the dawn of flight), but it’s only obtainable during the Noblegarden event and it costs 5,000 chocolate


The animation for dragon hover is already in the game.
It sits in a high pitch attitude so as a rider, you appear to be straight up and down.

Shhhh just continue running on the mouse wheel and paying your sub. You’ll like what they give you.

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How? :dracthyr_a1: It’s a basket of eggs in the mouth of your dragon. That’s what it is. That’s an excellent execution.

Its a basket of eggs in the mouth of your dragon that for some reason winks in and out of existence based only on your drakes flying state. So you collect a bunch of eggs and fly them back to your family and when you land, your family looks at you and asks “Where are the eggs you promised us?”. And you have no answer because… Blizzard.

Great idea, baffling execution.


If it’s clipping issues that are the reason I wonder if they could create an animation for it when you land so it sits on the ground.

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Did the drake eat the easter bunny ? :rofl:

The good news with this. The easter eggs are no longer single tap. Multiple people can click it and get an egg. No more camping and trying to click first, going to a low pop server, etc. MUCH more fun and welcoming for toy/transmog hunters and new folks. Also great for those trading post tasks.


I noticed this today and it is much more fun. I could run around in a circle and click everything. Instead of hiding in a corner where three spawn and hoping no one takes it over before I can get 200 chocolate eggs.

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If you go to the NE corner of razor hill, behind the building there are 4 egg spawn points, and there’s always going to be one up when other people are farming the area.

It makes it go extremely fast, especially if you’re in travel form.

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Well, come next expansion it will be a rarely used toy.

Because dragonriding, like all the add on stuff from this expansion, will no longer be a thing in the game. A one expac wonder.

You can trust me to say that, I’m a Gnome.