[A] DPS/tank warrior LF LateNight raid/M+

TLDR: DPS/tank LF late night heroic+ Alliance guild

Hello all! I’m looking to find a guild to call home for shadowlands. I spend most of BFA bouncing around after the guild I had been an officer in for years called it quits due to roster boss. I’m a very active player and play at a high skill level. I’ve gotten AOTC every tier and done a fair amount of mythic. I’ve mainly dps/tank on warrior but looking to play a few toons in shadowlands


-Active Alliance side guild

late night, after 10pm est (7pm pst)

-Raiding, M+, etc

What I bring

-Experienced and active player
-Flexible on class/role
-Friendly, willing to help and give advice

-Always show up on time with food/flasks

bnet Hethrus#1504

Maybe you should come to the dark side

Hello, horde side on Thrall. We are recruiting in regards to Shadowlands raid content for weekday as well as our weekend raid team. We are AOTC guaranteed, Mythic progression, with heroic always on farm.


-Wednesday/Thursday: 10-1est.

-Looking to recruit for Heals, DPS and possibly Off-tank/DPS

-Hard progression, strict enviorment, Must meet requirments.

-Heroic -> Mythic


-Sunday/Monday 10pm-1am EST

-Looking to recruit anyone

-Laid back casual enviorment

-Normal -> Heroic


-Good Attendance barring Emergencies

-Fully enchanted , with personal food and proper pots for your class and spec

-A general understanding of raid bosses as we approach them

-Improving yourself thru world questing, reps, keys, etc…

-Good knowledge of your toon and spec, if need assistance this will be the player responsibility to seek this out.

-Cauldrons will be provided

The goal is to succeed as a team and progress thru content via communication,structure and continued improvement in and out of raid enviroments without the elitist mentality or attitude. We want to supply opportunities for the entry level raider with our weekday team as well progression raiding with our weekend team.

Please contact the following on Discord.

GM- AwesomeIsMatt#1304

Officer- Saraid#2102

Officer- Alfaro#7894