Coming back to classic after a break. Took break from game last guild died due to inactivity of players. Looking for guild able to clear all content. Have been playing game since start of BC. Currently raid on retail cleared all content on mythic every tier but a few. I can DPS or Tank if need be. Gear is a little behind due to haven’t played since start of phase 2 but I should be able to catch up with the catch up gear that is available in the game atm.
Can raid Friday-Monday 8:00 PM - 2:00 AM EST. Pref Sunday/Monday raids
Real ID: nerdragin#1825
DISC: nerdragin#3895
Wipes on Trash is a West Coast server guild (on Atiesh) recruiting for our raid team. We’re currently not fielding a full 40 most raids and would love to have you. We’re currently doing BWL wednesday at 7. AQ 40 is on Friday at 7 and Sunday at 6 server times (we’re 8/9 currently with cthun dead). We’re a 8/8 BWL and 10/10 MC group, with lots of experienced raiders. Mature humour is a must though, we have some people with little to no filters 
Hope to hear from you!
Vocifera#0254 on discord if you’d be interested to talk more!
Add me on disc or Real ID if you want to talk don’t be shy my info is above