[A] DPS priest/Heals OS LF guild for TBC

Longtime Retail Mythic raider looking for a home in classic TBC to raid/pvp. Retail has gone horribly stale and im looking to get a shot of nostalga instead of raiding in 9.1 retail.

Some info about me: I kinda skipped playing classic, leveled 2 toons but thats when the nostalga wore off for me. TBC is a different beast and Im so far really enjoying playing in prepatch and im excited for the future. Feel free to hit me up on discord Ximu#1808 if youre a cool community looking to add a dps/heal OS player to your roster. Feel free to drop your spam and Ill reach out if its something im interested in. Have a good one friends.

Hey there! If you’re still looking Axios could use a spriest! We are a casual guild of fresh/re-roll players (though we have several 60s in the guild atm) and raid one night a week: Mondays from 730-1130p eastern. We are located on Pagle. Feel free to shoot me a message on bnet at Curveball#1807 if you’re interested!