As per the title, I am a DPS feral main who has recently rerolled on Arugal looking for a raiding guild. I prefer raiding on weeknights anywhere from 19:00 - 24:00 but I can attend on weekends if necessary. I also maintain a Rogue and Hpal and am highly open to split raids.
What I bring to the raid:
- Always fully consumed, enchanted, gemmed, BoE geared, etc
- Well researched, both my class and fights
- An attitude to always bring the most I can to the raid through maximizing my performance
- A good attitude, wanting to improve and learn and help others, and have fun
What I want from my guild:
- A guild who actively does content together outside of raid hours with a focus on dungeons, etc
- A guild with like-minded players who want to get through content, bring their best to the raid, and have a fun time.
If you think I/you are a good fit, please message me on on discord: gib#8877
(I will provide you with logs and a detailed retail/classic raid history)