[A] <Do Not Release> 8/8 Recruiting for BWL

Progression Orientated Guild.

Who we are: An experience group of players with many years of retail experience looking to clear all the content classic has to offer.
Our goal is to build a community and clearing Naxx!
We’ve full cleared classic content, and we are looking to expand our raid roster in preparation for BWL progression.

Who we are looking for: We are looking for players who intend to clear Naxx, and by definition, are in it for the long haul. This includes farming BiS, materials for consumables, and helping the guild progress as a whole.

What we expect from you: Community. Maturity; both in guild or out-of-guild. Ninja looting is also a no-no.

Raid Schedules: 2-5:30 (Server Time) Saturday.
Loot is a Loot Council based on BiS List.
10/10 MC. 1/1 Ony 8/8 BWL
What we are looking for:

2 Fury Warrior
2 Warlocks
1 Holy Priest
1 Feral Druid

Raid Team openings: To be adjust based on comp. Any DPS are welcome to apply. Open invites for social members/ people still leveling. How to join : Feel free to contact Phal, Aceblink or Goodtouch. Thanks for taking the time to read through our application, and regardless of who you join… good luck killing KT this time around! You can also contact us in Pagle server


Any dwarf holy priest spots open? Thinking of transferring to this server.

We have room for 1 more holy.

You can contact:

for inquiry in game

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Still looking for more

Bumpity Bump

Bump. Bump-Bump.

You know I like it when the post gets bump, bump bump! Come join us for a dungeon or a raid. We’ll show you what we’re all about!

Bump bump bump.

Bump. Still need good folks

Still looking for a few good raiders!