[A] <Disorientated> AOTC

My bumps bring all the heals to the yard
And they’re like, its better than yours
Damn right it’s better than yours

But seriously, heals plx. Others specs/roles welcome too

Preferably ones that don’t post feet pics.

or at least not in the general topics TINY!

Weekend bump for the new raid schedule starting next week!

dont be suspicious… dont be suspicious…

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Bumping it up

Aren’t you supposed to be pumping it up?

Weekend bump!

Buuuuuuuump! It’s a bump.

My name is tiny farts and I approve this message.

Big bumpums!

How is this boss?


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Do you guys PVP!?

For some reason the discord Link isnt working. Is there an alternative one I could use?

Sorry about that! Old link must have finally expired or something.

Here’s a new one (and I updated the post with it) https:// discord.gg/ecCQmJth43

Im still getting that invalid message. Any Idea as to what could be going on?

Have no fear, Ryou is here…to be made fun of as per usual :frowning:

Bumping to start the week