[A] Disc Priest LF Casual 10m Raiding Guild

Hi all!

Looking to transfer to Pagle. I am looking for a 10m raiding guild that raid approximately 4-6 hours per week. Looking for the guild to be casual and not to sweaty. Did the sweaty in TBC and looking to relax and just have fun.

Raid experience:
Kara, Gruul, Mag, SSC, TK, BT, MH - full clear first weeks of release
Did not play for SWP - guild got to sweaty for me.

Vanilla Wrath experience:
Full clears on Naxx, OS, Eye, Ulduar (some HM), Trial, ICC, Ruby Sanc

Pretty much just push high M+ keys nowadays.

Looking forward to talking to anyone - TIA!


What times are u looking for