Diemension Five is a semi hardcore raiding guild leaning a lot more to the semi side. We formed through shadowlands and have made it further than I ever expected! With a very friendly team pushing heroic content and great leadership things are looking on track to becoming a top 100 raiding guild server wide! We start our progression on Heroic Sire tomorrow night knowing we could use some experienced and pumping DPS! an extra heal may also be needed!
Specific DPS we are missing include Boomkin, WW, and Elemental Shaman. Also could benefit from a Disc Priest. These are not mandatory needs. If you are a pumping DPS or an experienced healer of any class looking to help our guild grow and get better now and through the rest of Shadowlands we’d love to talk .
We raid Fridays and Saturdays 9pm Server - 11pm Server. With plans to possibly make prog raids 3 hours a night in the future. (9.1)
If you have alts or are interested in learning we also do normal farms the same nights 7pm-9pm server.
Feel free to reply here or message me in game if interested!
(Good vibes only )