[A] <Detroit> LFM AQ40

Hello All,

Detroit is a laid back guild, but is also looking to progress through current content. We raid every Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 till 11:30 pm server time. On Wednesday we are progressing through AQ40 and on Fridays we clear through BWL / MC. on non raid days we have a group that runs ZG and AQ20 for those that need it.

Our current loot system is DKP, and looking at modifying it for AQ40 and Nax when that is released.

Currently looking for a few
DPS Warriors
Holy Priest
Holy Pallies

We dont mind if your not AQ40 ready yet, looking for players that can commit to both raid days and we’ll help you get gear through MC/BWL/AQ20/ZG

If you wish to ask questions you can contact me in game or any of our leadership
Kamarya - GM
Jerv - Raid lead
Harlune - heals lead
Neck - Dps lead

Thank you and have a great day.

bump de le bump bump