Defiance Is looking for a few more consistent raiders. We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild comprised of players who value being competitive, but not at the cost of turning into try hard neckbeard rageaholics. Do we check logs? Most definitely. Do we exclude people because they did 0.2% less damage than the week prior? Absolutely not. Our goal is to build a community of mature, fun players who actually enjoy raiding together and who share the same goal: killing Kel’thuzad.
Current Openings:
Please feel free to still reach out to one of the officers if you’re interested in raiding but don’t see your class listed below. We are always open to adding exceptional players.
1 Holy Priest
1 Holy Paladin
1 Hunter
1 Rogue
Loot Distribution: Outside legendary items, loot is done strictly by DKP. (We do not use a Loot Council as we believe we can be hands-off in Classic WoW.) We do have class priority on certain items and main spec always takes priority over off spec. (ie. Hunters won’t win 1H swords over Warriors and Warriors won’t win ranged weapons over Hunters.)
Schedule: Our set schedule is Tuesday and Thursdays, 9-12 EST. Currently, we are clearing BWL and MC combined in one night under 3 hours. During progression there is a possibility that we might raid a third night if needed; it would be Mondays and these are completely optional raids. Our application process is done directly through our officer team. If you’re interested, please feel free to message any of the following folk via Battlenet, Discord or in-game:
Voorhees (Guild Master/Raid Leader) - Voorhees#11789
Gloist (DKP/ Healing Officer) - Peenster#1529
Arisin (Melee DPS Officer) - Panceparty#1963
Anthisor (Ranged DPS Officer) - Anthisor#7741