[A] <Dead of Winter> Recruiting for WOTLK

Dead of Winter is a newly formed, semi-hardcore raiding guild prepping for WOTLK Classic! The leadership is experienced and have played WoW, like most of you, for many, many years on Retail and Classic servers.

Our raids will run Tuesday and Thursday from 9 pm-Midnight EST with the occasional, optional raid night (Alt run, etc.) on random weekend days for those that desire.

We strive to be the type of guild that is focused and purposed when it comes to raiding and progression. Outside of raiding, we will ensure that the #1 Goal is to actually enjoy the game which is why we all play in the first place.


Type of people we are looking for:

FOCUSED on being the best player you can be for the benefit of the team
FLEXIBLE when it’s comes to taking criticism, raid lead changes, or if asked to sit
TEAM ORIENTED knowing it’s about the team, not about your gear
COMMUNICATIVE about ideas you may have and respectfully disagreeing when you do

Type of people we are NOT looking for:

SELFISH about your gear, putting yourself above the team
SENSITIVE players that cannot take jokes or constructive criticism
NON COMMITED players that miss more raid nights than they attend


Dead of Winter will be solely focused on clearing every phase on content efficiently while maintaining the fun, laid back atmosphere that the game should have.

If you are the type of player that wants to clear content, can handle being called out by name if you messed up a mechanic, then being able to toss a joke out the next minute, then you are who we want!

Please contact Hahaplease, Paratussum, or Jodeezy in game or WestCoast22#9430 on Discord!