A day at the Bazzar

A day at the Bazzar CB

Carol is a Troll who is having a bake sale in the middle of Orgrimmar, she has many baked goods set out. One in particular is a huge apple pie gleaming with sugar on top.

Wake is Merril’s husband. They are both Orcs. They are buying many things at the Bazzar. He bought three axes and a sword. They are having a good time, but then they go to Carol’s table. Wake takes a slice of the Apple pie and eats it.

“Wait a minute.” Says Carol. “You have to pay for that.” Merril says: “He didn’t mean to, he just had a slice of pie, so what?” Carol takes out a dagger and walks up to Merril: “Make him spit it out!”CB

A wizard appears and says there is no need to fight. Carol screams: “I worked all day in my bakery and THESE TWO have to pay up.” Wake gets his finger tip cut off by a guard and they go home.

Merril plots all night and nurses her wounded husband. She climbs the gate where Carol is said to go at night to pray to her missing husband.CBC

She creeps up behind her and pushes her off the ledge, she falls into the garbage bins.

They decide to settle it in court. The rest of the pie is given to the judge and Wake’s finger is sewn back on.CB


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