Dawn of Terror is an alliance based guild on Pagle. We have a mix of old and new members, some joined last week and some been gaming together since EQ or WoW vanilla or met in in Rift. We are mostly older gamers who enjoy progression raiding and a guild where everyone gets to know each other as more than outputs in a raid. We welcome all classes and play styles.
Our main raid nights are Thursday and Saturday (dkp content) and we raid from 830-1130. We run ZG groups on Wednesday and Sunday to gear newer folks and alts up.
We have all raid content on farm and are looking forward to AQ. We are currently recruiting:
Warlock (1-2)
Warrior (1-2) dps
Hunter (1) dps
Rogue (1) dps
In addition to these specific needs, if you are new to raiding or want a change of pace from your current guild, please drop Dundare a line in game.
Loot for Onyxia and ZG is open roll 1 - 100. Loot for MC, BWL and soon AQ40 utilized a modified version of fixed price, zero sum dkp. It is a simple and easy system that has stood the test of time across multiple games. A big plus for newer players is you start in the middle(ish) not the bottom since people can go into the negative.
If you are not into raiding, please consider as well. We have many folks who prefer to craft or dungeon or pvp. We have a dedicated pvp crew that runs on raid off nights if that is of interest.