Hello My Friend!!
We are looking for Core Raiders please read on.
Dark Order is a progression guild where our expectations for our raiders are hardcore, but our game is not. We are a guild that likes to progress, but have fun at the same time.
Our creed is:
Respect for One Another
Pitching in where Needed – Includes donating mats
Never Giving Up
Patience and Understanding – is a MUST
Having Fun is Everything
Raid Teams are as follows:
Raid Team A – Raids every Tuesday and Thursday from 7p - 10p CST
Raid Team C – Wednesday Nights – Times 7p - 10p CST – This raid is more of a hardcore by invite only.
We are looking for the following classes to fill raid spots for the following Teams ( You must stay for the whole time and be dependable ):
Raid A –
2 Ranged DPS – Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Boomy, or Hunter
Melee & Ranged DPS – Rogues, Druid, Shaman, Monk, Paladin, or warrior
Healers w/DPS Offspec Raid ready
1 Tank w/DPS Offspec Raid ready
1 Tank
Raid C –
Ranged & Melee
1 Tank w/DPS Offspec
1 Tank
Raid Progression - The Eternal Palace
Tue/Thur Raid
Normal - 8/8
Heroic 3/8
Wednesday Raid
Heroic - 3/8
Dark Order looks at the guild as a whole to make sure that everyone is taken care of to the best of our abilities. We are not looking to rush into anything, in other words we plan to do this on our own dime not the masses dime. We are not looking to keep up with the other guilds/servers we are just looking for great personalities, people who want to have fun, who are committed, dependable, patience, and not afraid of a little challenge.
Last but not least and above all else we want to keep the fun in the game! After all this is exactly that – A GAME! No drama or you will get auto Gkicked
Meadorf – Battlenet ((Peanut1099#1321))
You can contact the following in game too: Velscar or Midnitestar in game-- For all Raiding Inquiries