(A) <Dark Coven> Recruitment

Hello all I have recently joined back into the game and wanted to get a guild up and running. Me and two other friends of mine have created a guild that was designed for casual players mostly. We want to be able to raid and do more mythic +. Right now its only the three of us really active. We do have a fair amount of people that have joined the guild, but it seems like only one other person beside the three of us has been active. What I basically doing here is to broaden our scope of recruitment in hopes to grow our guild. We try and do Mythic+'s on a regular basis unfortunately with pugs not always the best outcome. I would also like to get a raid group together for regular raids and possibly some pvp arena’s and Rbgs. I also run a discord designed for WoW but it is a discord for all games. Please let me know if you are interested or require more information, I would be more than happy to offer any information i can provide. To contact me you can reach me here or contact me in game via whisper or the recruitment of our guild page. I can also be reached on discord at Emrys#3374.