[A]<Damage Incorporated> is recruiting

Damage Incorporated is always looking for new members, any level, any class, any spec. No time requirements of any kind. If you like to have fun and interact with a diverse group of players that are always helpful, then this might be the place for you. Contact us for more info.

Hello, I mostly play at late night due to family and working 2nd shift. Seldomly I am on during the day when baby is taking a nap. I am looking for a new place to WoW since the others I have been playing with have moved on to other games, servers, or other. I am not interested in raiding, mostly farm old content, and just started leveling alts on Feathermoon since finally grinding out BFA flying.

I main hunter, Podz, but also have a lock, Grave, I haven’t touched since Uldir. Everything else is in leveling status.


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Hi Podz, you are more than welcome to join us or ask any questions you may have. I am usually online till about 10pm server but we have other that are late nighters. Feel free to ask for an invite, there is usually someone on that can.

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Bump for a great group of people.

Sent a message via your guild website, currently on random hours due to being GMT +8 and not working a 9-5. looking for anything that isn’t bleeding edge PvE or PvP.

Hi Dorfen, I sent you an in game mail and my bnet id. Hope to hear from you soon.

I am looking for a guild with active members , specially on at odd hours as I am gmt + 5:30. I am a semi active warlock who has been on Feathermoon since 2002 and was on ironforge earlier.

I really have not much of an interest in raids or mythic + unless I decide to run Mythic + 20 just for the heck of it but I am more than happy to help young un’s gear up or help with hard quests . I would find that much more interesting than scaling from I-lvl 475 to 480.

Hi Armensyth, I will try to contact you in game and see if we are a good fit for you. I will say that right now, we do not have a lot of people online since its near the end of the expansion, but once the new content gets closer to release, we will have a lot of people on at various times. Hope to chat with you soon.

We are recruiting for Shadowlands, ask for any guild officer online, or reply here and we will be more than happy to get you an invite.

I wanted to bump this thread up. If you’re looking for a guild with a wonderful group of people, DI could be the guild for you. It’s been my WoW home since April '10 and it’s one of the main reasons I’m still playing.

Thanks Xaan!

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Are you recruiting low levels or just 60’s?

Hi Innavoig, we are recruiting everyone. Feel free to contact me in game or use the guild finder tool to join us. If you have any questions, I am here to answer them and help any way I can.

We are still recruiting. If you are looking for a group of friendly people, this is the place for you. Contact any of us in game or send me a message on bnet, DamageInc#11221

Dragons are coming in a few months and if you’re looking for a guild to do dragony stuff with, check us out. We’re still around and are looking forward to tackling everything the Dragon Isles has to offer!