[A] Dalaran-US Ashes of Renewal recruitng new blood for S4 and into WWI

AoR has been a PvE focused guild for 10 years with goals to reach AotC and obtain Mythic+ score 2500+. We are currently 9/9 H. We are looking for more prog ready raiders to join the team to venture into S4 and beyond. RANGED DPS NEEDED!

Current raid nights are Fri/Mon from 7-10 est. In S4 on off nights we plan to do normal learning raids for new players and alts, as well as mythic plus.

We are in need of those who are dedicated to working on their main toon and to bring their best to the raid. We are accepting all ranged roles, and a dps with heals offspec would be a plus!

All of our members are 21+ and we are looking for mature individuals and minimal drama.

If you bring a good attitude, work on your character, and think you will be a great addition to our team, we look forward to hearing from you!

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Class Specs we do not have right now:

Shadow Priest
Feral Druid
DK dps
Shaman(all specs)

We have 1 tank spot coming available, current tank is a paladin. Healers are welcome to apply. We are currently at 3 healers. (Druid, Pally, Priest)

Dps is pretty much open. As we look forward to S4 some are making class changes and we are not going to be over filled on any specific class.

Heal slots for raiding are closed at this time - players with heal and dps specs always welcome as we continue to grow our roster.

We still welcome any DPS to apply and as there will be cross realm guild invites coming in pre patch, transferring is not required :slight_smile:

Hey there I am definitely interested. Ret pally looking for a raid spot and the dates/times work well for me! I’ve been playing classic for the last few years and am jumping back into retail now and have been having a good time. Looking to gear up and do more endgame content or help out/learn PvP.

Let me know if we can work something out or what I’d have to do.


Tanks: Full for raid but we welcome any M plus tanks new or experienced!

Heals: Full at this time.

Dps: Full on Melee, but in great need of Ranged!

Mage (high importance)
Hunter (low priority but welcome)
Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman

hi moon, we chatted briefly on FB a few weeks ago, but I ended up having some irl stuff and was wondering if you could send me a disc request @ carefae.

Hello, Moon

I am a 473 ilevel mage with aotc and 2k io rating.

I am searching for a home for warwithin and your raid times work for me. I also hace my brother who is a warlock looking for a guild. I wont mind transferring to Dalaran if you decide to have me.

My bnet is nymphis#11583

Just came back and gearing my warlock. Only 455 atm

Feel free to add my discord: Mooncrescent or bnet Moon#17223 and we can chat!

Hello, I’m interested in joining as a tank. I love running M+ with a full guild group and if maybe a raid spot opens for a tank, crushing some bosses there too.


Tanks: Full for raid but we welcome any M plus tanks new or experienced!

Heals: Room for a Monk, Pally or Evoker but open to any class

Dps: Full on Melee, but in great need of Ranged!

Hunter (low priority but welcome)
Evoker (High Importance)
Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman

I have all ranged characters (no melee) and healers. Would love to join the guild if you’ll have me. Still gearing and getting ready for TWW. I am on EST and active. I have all of the above ranged classes you need except Evoker.