NightVale is a long time guild looking to add to it’s ranks. We are currently 3/9 Mythic looking to add a few pieces.
We are looking for
- Healer (Flex or Full Time)
- Ranged DPS (Would love a mage, yet will look at all great DPS)
- Great DPS will always be considered
We progress quickly and have fun.
Here is what we commit to you!
- Maximize the Raid Times as we will not waste your time
- Progression! We are looking to progress. We review logs and strats to help everyone improve on the fights.
- Fair loot distribution. We give everyone a chance to gear up while being fair to all parties.
- Cauldrons, food and vantus ruins, we got you!
- M+ Support and runs, with an active M+ core
- No Drama, Be Chill and Have Fun
Here is what we expect from you!
- Know your class, if you are struggling, review logs (with our help if you need) to see how you can improve
- Review fights before raid night
- Make sure you are enchanted and have Phials.
- Show Up, we understand life gets in the way somedays, yet we are looking for a consistent core
- Be respectful of others
If you are looking for a new home with a great group, please reach out! We would love to have a conversation. You can reach me in game.
Battle Net Tag Light#1998
Discord Light #5889